How to Get Your Dog to Smile for Photos?
1. Timing
Training a dog to smile is a process, just like it is with other dog tricks. Therefore, for you to get your dog to smile on command, you need to put in adequate time and effort training the dog on how to react and when. When training a dog, consistency is key. Ensure that the training sessions happen often, rewarding the dog every time the objective is achieved. Also, make sure to carry out training in several short sessions, so that the dog can quickly learn the appropriate commands. Rewards for successful smiling can be earned with positive reinforcement, or using dog treats. Also, ensure you exhibit appropriate body cues. Dogs pick up on body language easily, and it is important to convey the right message during training. Some people also use a clicker when rewarding a dog. The dog learns to associate the clicker with positive feedback and therefore learns faster. With successful training, you can get your dog to smile every time you want to take a picture.
2. Have fun with your dog
Dogs are known to show happy expressions when they are enjoying the company of their master. Some of these expressions include wagging their tail and hanging out their tongue, in a manner that resembles smiling. Therefore, an easy way to get your dog to smile naturally without training is by spending adequate fun time together. Go on walks, play fetch, go to the beach; any activity that the dog enjoys doing. Make sure to reward the dog whenever it is behaving well, as it will associate it's good behavior with the treat or compliment. If you cannot go outdoors, you can simply pat your dog or rub its back while showering compliments. This is expected to yield the same results. If you have several dogs, ensure you spend adequate one on one time with the dog you are training. Remember to reward and compliment the dog. Dogs thrive in rewards, and they are more likely to learn how to smile when they are rewarded than when they are not. If you do not get your dog smiling through these fun activities, you should get a refresher on how to teach your dog to smile, and train him how to.
3. Create a relaxed environment
Your dog is more likely to smile for a photo when it is relaxed. Create a quiet and comfortable environment, which will keep the dog at ease, increasing the likelihood of smiling for the photograph. You can also get your dog to physically smile, using treats. Push the upper lip above the gum line, mimicking a smile position. Teach the dog the smile command and give a treat every time the action is repeated. Also, it is important for you to smile often. Dogs often mimic the actions of their masters, therefore by smiling often, the dog will feel comfortable around you and smile. Always remember to reward the dog every time he smiles, for this will help him learn the action permanently. When the dog is comfortable, after adequately training him on how to smile, you will comfortably have numerous photograph moments to take off your dog.