Summer ranger activities at Knightshayes
Help the Ranger team at Knightshayes celebrate International Ranger Day on 31 July by joining in the important work they do every day to look after our special places.
This summer families can have an adventure in Knightshayes’ beautiful landscaped parkland and woodland by becoming a ranger for the day on Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 July; and again on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 August.
Get on your outdoor gear, garden gloves and sturdy shoes to help bash some brambles and clear some laurel. After a picnic lunch, as a thank you for all your hard work, Knightshayes will help you discover what lurks in their ponds with a spot of pond dipping, one of the ‘50 things to do before you’re 11 ¾’.
Rangers will also be teaching the skills needed for green woodworking.
Raef Johnson, Senior Ranger for Knightshayes said: ‘This type of family volunteering gives kids of all ages the chance to be active during the school summer break, but also learn about the natural environment around them. Volunteering in this way is fun but also really helps us look after the beautiful Knightshayes estate so that everyone can enjoy it. I can’t wait to have lots of extra helping hands to continue making Knightshayes a fantastic place to visit.’
It’s not just families which get to come along to the Ranger Adventure Days. Knightshayes is works with local community groups, such as Tiverton scouts and youth clubs to share the outdoor fun while helping to keep Knightshayes an estate for all to enjoy.
The activity is free. Normal admission applies. Adult £8.95 Child £4.45 Family (2 adults and 3 children) £17.95 Members and under fives free. But booking in advance is essential. Please contact Knightshayes Learning and Engagement Officer at: Rachael.hall1@nationaltrust.org.uk or call 01884 254665.