8 Best Foods You Aren’t Eating
As much as we try to eat healthy, there are still a lot of foods that we simply overlook. However, knowing about just a few of them can make your life incredibly healthier. That is why we have decided to show you the 8 best foods you probably aren’t eating.
#1 - Kale
Fortunately, kale is becoming more popular these days. However, a lot of people still refuse to try a dish that includes this vegetable and would rather eat spinach when they are thinking of which green veggie to eat. Now, don’t get us wrong, spinach is an excellent source of iron and vitamins, but did you know that kale is the number one source of vitamin A in the world? It is a vegetable that will strengthen your immune system and provide you with antioxidants capable of fighting off cancer in some cases. Eating kale will also do wonders for your heart health.
#2 – Kefir
Many people do not even know what kefir is, even though you can find it in any supermarket across the world. It is a fermented milk drink made with kefir grains, which are healthy bacterial fermentation starters. The next time you go shopping; don’t overlook this drink which is packed with so many beneficial probiotics that will keep you away from any type of sickness as long as you drink regularly.
#3 - Sardines
In some countries it is a popular food, but even there people do not eat sardines as much as they should. Sardines are simply one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are immensely healthy for your heart and will fight off stress in no time. They are also good because little to no toxins is in them, since they are low on the food chain due of their size.
#4 - Pomegranate
This fruit is absolutely filled with antioxidants, which will fight off any type of harmful free radicals found in your body. The fruit is practically magical, as it can really help victims of strong chronic conditions, like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. However, not everyone likes to eat pomegranate due to its unique shape, but you can quite easily make juice out of it. It is a great thing to drink on a break, as it will also make you more focused and boost your mood.
#5 - Beets
Beets are considered a superfood due to the exceptional benefits you receive from eating it. This vegetable is one of the best sources of betaine and folate in the world. What these two nutrients do is basically ‘clean’ the arteries that would otherwise increase the risk of heart disease. Also, reports say that this veggie can also fight off cancer.
#6 - Pumpkin Seeds
The next time you are looking for a snack, don’t forget about pumpkin seeds. They are one of the best sources of magnesium that you can find. Magnesium is really important, as it can lower the risk of early death by as much as 40 percent.
#7 - Dried Plums
Otherwise known as prunes, they contain very high levels of chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids, which are known for fighting off the ‘superoxide anion radical.’ This radical can create structural damage to your cells, and will even cause cancer after a while. So, eating dried plums is one of the best ways to prevent cancer from ever attacking you.
#8 – Sprouting Beans / Seeds
Sprouting beans or seeds are a super food and are very easy to grow from home: common seeds being mung beans, alfalfa, lentils, broccoli, sunflower and soybean (beansprouts). The dried seeds / beans are simply soaked for typically 1 – 12 hours and then rinsed and germinated in a sprouting vessel; the most popular type being a simple glass jar with a piece of cloth or nylon window screen secured over its rim. Some of the top benefits of eating sprouted seeds include:
•There are up to 100 times more life-promoting enzymes in sprouts than uncooked fruits and vegetables
•The quality of the protein in the beans, nuts, seeds, or grains improves when they are sprouted
•The fiber & vitamin content of beans, nuts, seeds, or grains increases substantially when they are in the sprouted condition
•Most people are deficient in essential fatty acids and these increase during sprouting Start sprouting from home today – the process is simple, inexpensive and one of the healthiest things you’ll ever do.
Courtesy of http://www.uncoverdiscover.com