Extended opening hours for the Real Food Café

The Open Space evening held at the Real Food Café on the 15th October and attended by around 20 members of the team - staff, volunteers and directors - brought up some fantastic ideas for improving how the team work at Real Food, which they have set about implementing straight away. One idea that was picked up and considered intently, was the possibility of re-opening the Café on Mondays and earlier each morning.


Following three weeks of increased trade in both the Café and Store, it made absolute sense to at least trial this for a period, and so, from 5th November they are opening the café Monday to Saturday from 9.30am - 5pm.


And don't forget about late night shopping in the store. Every Thursday right through to Christmas, the store will stay open until 8pm, giving you the opportunity to drop by outside of regular hours. Store Manager, Ian, is getting geared up to take Christmas orders for turkeys, hams and more lovely festive fodder, over the coming weeks. Ian says, "Feel free to start ordering as soon as you are in the festive spirit. We hate to say it, but it's a good idea to get in early if you can."



For more information visit www.realfoodexeter.co.uk

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