Hottest chilli in the world at Tesco
Lovers of extreme hot food – you have been warned!
If you thought the notorious Komodo Dragon – a chilli pepper launched last year by Tesco - was hot stuff then just wait till you try the Carolina Reaper which goes on sale at the supermarket tomorrow.
It’s officially the hottest chilli pepper in the world according to the Guinness Book Of Records, measuring an average 1.5 million Scoville units.
However another independent test is reported to have recorded the heat level of the Carolina Reaper – which is being commercially grown in Bedfordshire - at an incredible, mouth numbing 2.2 million Scovilles.
To give some idea of the phenomenal heat – it is about more than 400 times hotter than a jalapeno, the chilli pepper commonly used on spicy take away or supermarket made pizzas.