Mr Bumble Joins The Frobishers Team

Authored by Paigntonzoo
Posted Tuesday, March 12, 2013 - 2:18pm

A life-sized 3D gorilla is the latest addition to the team at the head office of Exeter-based premium juice brand Frobishers.

A rather unusual staff member, ‘Mr Bumble’ as he’s affectionately known, is one of a troop of gorillas that is the focus of Paignton Zoo’s Great Gorillas Project. Frobishers has sponsored him for the duration of the project.

The Zoo is home to five gorillas and is celebrating its 90th birthday in 2013 by raising funds for gorilla conservation and a local community project.

Frobishers is among a number of South West businesses and community groups sponsoring the model gorillas, which are to be painted in original designs by specially-commissioned artists. The colourful characters will be displayed in public spaces over the summer, creating a unique art trail around Torbay and Exeter.

Steve Carter, sales and marketing director for Frobishers, said: “It’s great for Frobishers to be involved in a project of this scale and prominence in our home region. The organisers are doing a fantastic job and we’re delighted to add our support to such a worthwhile cause.”

Paignton Zoo Director of Marketing & Development Pippa Craddock said: “We are very pleased to have such a significant new name on board. The project is an amazing mix of art, education, conservation and public engagement.”

As yet unpainted, Mr Bumble popped into Juice House, the offices of Frobishers, to meet the team and pose for a few photos with his new colleagues.

The name ‘Mr Bumble’ reflects the fact that, over the coming weeks, artist Nathan Smith will be painting him in a bright and colourful suit based on Frobishers Bumbleberry juice – which is made from strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blackcurrants.

To read more about the Great Gorillas Project, visit: and follow Mr Bumble’s progress on or email

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