Spreading a Little Sunshine in Exeter
Choccie Bar is calling upon all chocolate lovers to nominate the person they would most like to receive a scrummy box of Choccie Bar Sunshine this weekend.
To celebrate the pending launch of the new Choccie Bar Connoisseurs Club, Exeter's independent Chocolatiers, Choccie Bar of Gandy Street are spreading the love with a box of Chocolate Sunshine for one very special person.
The chocolatiers are appealing for nominations of your dearest unsung heros - anyone that you feel would be lifted and warmed by an outrageous gift of Choccie Bar produce. This is to become a monthly treat for your favourite Choccie Fan and it begins with a box of Sunshine for the Bank Holiday weekend.
"The idea came to us when we were planning our new Choccie Bar Connoisseurs Club - we just got to thinking that there must be a lot of people out there who deserve a scrummy selection of our finest produce simply as a gift", explains Choccie Bar owner, Katie Jones.
"Although we support two charities each year, we are constantly touched by the number of requests for help that we get and although we can't help everyone, we love the idea of really spoiling some of the unsung heros in our city whether they are carers, charity workers or simply lovely people in need of a bit of pampering - we're really keen that our customers should decide who it goes to and we plan to give away one box every month."
This particular sunshine box contains:
Sunshine Crunches, Citrus Bars, Hot Choccie, A sunful of honeycomb, a sunshine milk slab and a selection from our Classic Collection - yum.
To nominate the person you think would most love a choccie surprise, simply drop us a line by clicking here or message us on Facebook - tell us a bit about your favourite person and, who knows? A box of sunshine could be on its way very shortly!
Choccie Bar has not forgotten that there are a number of Choccie Enthusiasts out there too who would also like to lay their hands on regular deliveries of scrummy treats and details of the Choccie Bar Connoisseurs Club will be made public soon.....