4 out of 5 of us unaware of sun danger

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Friday, March 20, 2015 - 11:09pm

Whilst the sun was shining in many parts of Devon today, research shows that four out of five of us are unaware of the threat posed by harmful Infrared-A rays.

We all know that too much exposure to the sun can cause damage to our skin, and skin cancer is now the most common cancer in the UK, with 100,000 new cases diagnosed every year.  But despite this, new research has indicated that many consumers are still in the dark when it comes to sun protection.

The survey was carried out by Ladival Sun Protection as part of their Think Infrared Defence campaign. The survey revealed that a worrying 81% of those living in Exeter are simply unaware of the serious damage that Infrared-A rays can do to their skin.

Scientific evidence indicates that 37% of the sun’s rays are damaging to our skin, with Infrared-A making up an astounding 30%, compared to just 7% UV-A and UV-B. Infrared-A rays are also the most deeply penetrating of the sun’s rays and may cause both short and long-term skin damage.

Yet, when asked what was most important when choosing sun protection, just 6% said Infrared-A protection, as opposed to 55% UV-A and UV-B protection2. Although perhaps that attitude is understandable, as only 3% of people in Exeter realise that standard sun screens that they buy don’t protect them against harmful Infrared-A rays2.

This spring marks the launch of Think Infrared Defence, supported by Ladival Sun Protection, a campaign which aims to educate the UK on the dangers posed by the threat of Infrared-A rays.

Justine Hextall, Consultant Dermatologist and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, says: “Because of their longer wavelength, Infrared-A rays penetrate the epidermis and dermis of the skin and can lead to the formation of free radicals, which can damage delicate body cells. Effects can include premature skin ageing, decreased skin elasticity, increased wrinkling, and, most importantly, damage to skin DNA that can also impact your long term health. It is so important that we understand the sun’s rays and how to protect ourselves and our families. That’s why I am supporting the Think Infrared Defence campaign.”

Not surprisingly, after being presented with the facts about damaging Infrared-A, 85% of people from Exeter said they were shocked, frightened and surprised and four out of five (81%) said they would immediately review their sun care purchases moving forward. Furthermore, 76% were surprised to find out that 90% of lines and wrinkles on the face are a result of exposure to sunlight and can therefore be minimised by using quality sun care products.

Unfortunately the research also showed how frequently the residents of Exeter are prepared to take risks with their skin, as a staggering 93% don’t wear any form of protection on a daily basis and 15% said that they wear it when abroad, but don’t bother applying sun cream when in the UK2. A quarter also even admitted to having used a sunscreen substitute such as baby oil and only 16% stick to factor 25 and above when out in the sun2. Despite knowing the risks, shockingly 4% of people admit to burning their skin on purpose when going out in the sun and 38% get sun burn as a result of forgetting to apply protection.

Also evident was the overall confusion there is around sun care purchases, with a third (33%) saying they find information from the category confusing and contradictory2. With two thirds (68%) unable to identify the correct meaning of SPF and over half (54%) unaware they should be reapplying at least every two hours, it’s clear that Exeter needs to get educated when it comes to sun protection.

Renowned British Actress Emilia Fox is supporting the Think Infrared Defence campaign, to help the UK enjoy the sun safely and get people educated on the unknown threat of Infrared-A. Emilia says: “I’m an ‘English Rose’ with very fair skin and a few years ago had my own experience with sun safety. I have a lot of moles and had to have a mole removed from my shoulder and I still have a scar today. Thankfully it did turn out to be benign, so the removal was just a precaution, but it has made me extremely conscious of how damaging the sun can be and how important it is to invest in the best sun protection for your skin. This research shows that people in the UK don’t understand the sun’s damaging rays, so we’re telling people to Think Infrared Defence this summer and to visit www.ThinkIRD.com to find out how best to protect themselves and their families in the sun.”

Think Infrared Defence is supported by Ladival sun protection – the first mainstream sun care brand to protect against Infrared-A as well as UVA and UVB rays. For more information, go to ThinkIRD.com.

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