5 Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Wednesday, February 19, 2020 - 6:48am

Erectile Dysfunction. Those simple words are enough to scare most people straight (except those with erectile dysfunction if you know what I mean). All jokes aside, erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter. Did you know that one out of every three men will be impacted by erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives? That's a lot of people. Here, I will discuss the 5 most common causes of erectile dysfunction. 


I know it is unfortunate, but alcohol really is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction. In the short term alcohol can impair your memory and judgement. I’m sure that’s not a surprise to anyone that’s shared more than a couple pitchers with their mates at the bar and have decided it would be a good idea to hit on the bartender or call their ex. But did you know that alcohol can also impair the functionality of your members? That's right. Drinking alcohol can temporarily give you erectile dysfunction. Now, with that being said, don’t cancel the next night out with the boys at the bar because you are afraid of having a limp member. A few pints of beer will not put you at a huge risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

Over Using your Erectile Member

If you ejaculate too often that can lead to erectile dysfunction. This includes both masturbation and intercourse. If you go on a bender and ejaculate too many times your penis will become desensitized to physical stimulation. This can be really frustrating, but it is important to remember that your penis is a muscle and muscles get tired when they are over used. This is one of the most common ways that young people develop erectile dysfunction. Similarly, middle aged men also face this issue along with a few other specific reasons that we will not mention in this article, but if you read this post to the end you may be able to learn more about the common causes of erectile dysfunction in middle aged men. 

Using the Wrong Penis Pills 

This one may be for you older folk. Have you ever used penis pills to help you get hard? Well, did you know that using the wrong penis pills can lead to erectile dysfunction. Wait, aren't penis pills supposed to help with erectile dysfunction? Yes, they are. Penis pills will temporarily help you get hard, but if you use them improperly they can lead to even bigger problems down the road. If you are going to purchase penis pills to help with your erectile dysfunction make sure you consult a professional that can help you make the right choice. You do not want to use penis pills if you are young and have not hit puberty yet. 


Unfortunately, as we age the quality of our erections tends to decline. There is not much you can do to stop the aging of your penis. With that being said, you should be able to help strengthen your erections if you avoid other common triggers for erectile dysfunction. 

Watching too much Porn

Everyone loves watching a little porn here and there to get off and that is okay. However, watching too much porn can desensitize your member and you may have trouble getting an erection when the time comes to really put it to use. I would advise against watching too much porn. You should limit the amount of porn you watch to only a few videos a week. 

I know it can be a difficult subject to confront, but it is important that you understand that erectile dysfunction happens and it is nothing to feel ashamed about. There are many common causes of erectile dysfunction, but thankfully many of them can be managed to ensure your penis is nice and hard the next time you get lucky. 


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