Back to school tips for teens
Back to school means getting into a routine so that your skin looks its best. Sure, it will take some work but you can't expect to eat junk and suddenly wake up to a ravishing complexion! Here are a few tips to keep in mind while you embark on your studies.
1. Wash your face with an acne-fighting cleanser twice in the morning and twice in the evening and each time you sweat, such as after the gym. Just be sure to follow with a moisturiser since removing too much oil can result in your skin overproducing oil to compensate breaking you out further! A moisturiser specifically geared towards your skin type after removing the bacteria that causes breakouts is the best way to go. If you tend to lean on your face at your desk or touch your face a lot stop it!
2. Try to keep your diet healthy by eating lots of greens and fruits. Avoid fatty, salty snacks unless the salt is sea salt and the fat is in the form of omega 3s! Stay away from processed food and choose home-made food and whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and oats. Your skin and body will thank you.
3. When things get crazy, find ways to de-stress. With all the bad 'fear' hormones it releases, stress has a major impact on our looks and health! Read a book you enjoy or watching a movie, whatever makes you feel good! Make it a habit of doing things that make you feel and look your best, or visit one of our Skin Angels at the spa for a rejuvenating facial with mum or your best mate! Or maybe an aromatherapy massage to relax your mind and nerves before that massive exam! Try to surround yourself with positive, happy people and smile often. Even if you don't feel happy, studies show that smiling can improve your mood so give it a try!
4. Lay off the caffeine or at least give yourself a rule not to drink it after 2PM. It wreaks havoc on your looks by increasing the stress hormone, cortisol, which will make your body hold on to belly fat and even possibly cause you to gain weight! In addition, it will keep you from getting a full night's sleep and prevent your body from going into REM, the most beneficial sleeping time for the skin.
Hopefully these reminders have inspired you to get more sleep and take care of the only skin and body you'll ever have! Remember, students always get a special discount at Purity Boutique Spa so book your appointment with our Skin Angels today!
Tel: 01392 420027