Is Cannabis Legal in the UK? What You Should Know

Val Watson
Authored by Val Watson
Posted Friday, August 18, 2023 - 8:57am

Cannabis comes from the cannabis plant, a grown psychoactive drug that produces a range of mind and body effects, including a relaxed feeling. It has been used both recreationally and medically throughout history. However, many countries around the world have made this plant illegal. What about the UK?

Is Cannabis Legal in the UK?

In the UK, it is completely illegal to grow, possess, or distribute cannabis. It is classed as a class B drug and has been illegal to use recreationally since 1928. 

There is one exception: medical cannabis. In the UK, patients can receive a prescription from the NHS or a private doctor for medical cannabis. This is usually a lengthy process that requires a patient to have tried and tested other treatments to no avail. 

What are the Consequences of Possessing, Growing, or Distributing Marijuana?

As it is illegal to possess, grow, and distribute cannabis in the UK, there are legal consequences for those who do. Marijuana is a class B drug, meaning possessing it can get you up to five years in prison. You’ll also be subject to an unlimited fine. Selling, distributing, and growing marijuana comes with a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison, as well as an unlimited fine. 

Where is Cannabis Legal in the World?

When it comes to the legalisation of marijuana, not every country holds the same laws. Even countries that once prohibited cannabis have since gone back on that. Here is a list of some of the countries where cannabis is legal:

  • Canada
  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Colombia
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Spain

The Legality of Medical Cannabis

In 2018, the UK passed a new law that made medical cannabis legal. A specialist doctor must prescribe it – one on the specialist register – and it can only be prescribed for specific conditions. Not everyone is eligible. 

It’s important to note that medical cannabis is classed as an unlicensed medicine. It’s not absolutely approved for the treatment of many ailments. However, it can still be prescribed when a doctor believes it may help a patient. Usually, when a doctor wants to prescribe medical cannabis, they will need to apply for additional funding or put in a request to their hospital trust. For the patient, there are ways to get medical cannabis online. The medical cannabis clinic can put you in touch with UK doctors, allowing you to get a prescription online if you are eligible. It comes with a QR-coded medical cannabis card so you can prove that you are legally allowed to carry your marijuana if you are stopped.

Who is Eligible for Medical Marijuana?

In the UK, around 32,000 people are prescribed medical cannabis. If you’re wondering if you might be eligible, here are the conditions under which medical cannabis can be prescribed: 

  • Sleep disorders
  • Anxiety 
  • Depression
  • Cancer-associated pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis 
  • Migraines

To be eligible, you must have already tried two treatments before, and those treatments must have failed. Only then will you be eligible to get medical cannabis prescribed to you. Specialist doctors do not prescribe it easily – only when it’s assessed that there’s a high chance the cannabis will relieve the patient’s ongoing symptoms. Medical cannabis is not available to just anyone who wants it.

The Benefits of Medical Cannabis 

It’s important to note that, right now, there is no absolute scientific evidence that cannabis reduces pain or other common symptoms. However, there is many anecdotal evidence that it helps people medically, which is why UK specialist doctors sometimes prescribe it. Here are some of the benefits of that: 

  • It might help with pain

Again – there is no concrete evidence to suggest that cannabis reduces pain. Still, many people claim that it does, and, for some, it’s worth trying – especially if they have been dealing with chronic pain for a long time and have not found another solution. 

  • It can help people sleep

Some people say that cannabis helps them sleep. With one in five UK people not getting enough sleep, cannabis could be a good solution. That’s especially true when you compare it to other sleep drugs that can be highly addictive (which also aren’t prescribed easily). 

  • It can make cancer treatments easier

Unfortunately, many people in the UK have faced a cancer diagnosis. Often, this diagnosis leads to invasive treatments like chemotherapy, which can cause nausea and fatigue. Some people find that cannabis helps to relieve some of these symptoms. In such a difficult time, finding something that helps is a relief. 

  • Another option

UK pharmacies distribute many different drugs every day to patients – many making a highly positive impact on people’s lives. In many cases, even ensuring the person stays alive. 

However, not everyone can find a medication that works for their ailment. That’s where medical cannabis can be helpful. When other treatments do not seem to alleviate symptoms, medical cannabis is another option that may make a person’s life a lot easier. 

Will Cannabis Ever Be Fully Legal in the UK?

Over the years, many people have asked, “Will cannabis ever be legal in the UK?”. Right now, there is no plan to legalise cannabis. That means the only way to legally get hold of cannabis is through a UK doctor, which is not something that happens easily. 

Back in 2004, there was a move by the UK government that made cannabis go from class B to class C. However, this was changed again in January 2009, when it was reclassified as a class B drug. 

In Summary 

Right now, the recreational use of cannabis is illegal in the UK, meaning it is 100% illegal to possess, distribute, sell, and grow cannabis. However, medical cannabis has been legal since 2018 and can be prescribed by a UK specialist doctor. 

It’s uncertain what the future holds in terms of the legality of marijuana. If you want a prescription for medical cannabis for a condition, speaking to a doctor is an important step to take. Only when two treatments have previously failed will the chances of a cannabis prescription become possible.

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