Is CBD oil natural and safe to use daily?

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Thursday, April 9, 2020 - 7:47am

Lots of people are using CBD oil to treat and/or manage a variety of conditions. It’s even being used in pets and children! CBD may have swept the nation in recent years, but that doesn’t mean it’s without its critics and misinformation. So, let’s answer a few questions about this compound. 

What is CBD, anyway? What does it do? How do we know it’s safe? What does the research say about it? We’ll answer these questions and more below, so keep reading to learn more about CBD oil.

CBD Is A Natural Compound, Yes

We’ll start by answering one of the most common questions that gets asked about CBD: is it natural? If by natural, you mean naturally-occurring or plant-derived, then yes; CBD is natural. It’s one of 113 Cannabinoids found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. 

It’s extracted from industrial hemp, not to be mistaken for marijuana. The two are different strains, and marijuana contains a high concentration of THC. 

In addition to being a “natural” compound, CBD and other cannabinoids seem to be almost biologically designed to interact with our nervous system. 

We have specialized neurological receptors affectionately called “cannabinoid receptors” that cannabinoids bind to, generating a variety of effects based on the cannabinoid and individual body chemistry.  

The body’s Endocannabinoid System is responsible for maintaining many necessary bodily functions, and while only recently discovered in the last 30-40 years, the system is believed to be crucial to homeostasis. 

CBD’s Role In Modern Medicine 

We understand that CBD interacts with a body in a specific way, but does it even play a role in modern medicine? Recently, the FDA has approved the use of an anti-seizure drug called Expidiolex, and you’ll never guess what it’s derived from...CBD, of course! 

CBD is a natural anticonvulsant, which allows it to effectively mitigate the effects and duration of seizures in rare conditions like Dravet Syndrome. The FDA’s approval was backed by a clinical study of over 500 people, which proved that the CBD-based drug has a place in modern medicine. 

With this approval, a new door to CBD-based medicine has been opened. The opportunities are there, but CBD still carries with it plenty of stigma and misunderstanding. This is mainly due to its association with Cannabis, and thus, marijuana. 

Even though hemp is a different strain of the plant, decades of misinformation, criminalization, and stigma have demonized the plant and its products. The fact is, hemp is an incredibly versatile plant and has much more to offer humans that just CBD. 

What People Use CBD For The Most

We now know that CBD is effective at treating seizures, but what does the general public use it for? What’s all the buzz about, anyway? The CBD market hit over one billion dollars in sales last year, so there must be something to it, right? 

CBD’s users will swear by the compound for all manner of uses. Among these are pain relief, inflammation relief, anxiety relief, improved focus and memory, and even helping manage mental health conditions like depression. 

While we can’t depend largely on anecdotal evidence to support any claims, there’s an overwhelming consensus among CBD users that it does work, and works well. 

But don’t worry, science has already taken an interest in CBD and has plenty of studies that also support the claims of CBD’s most passionate advocates. 

The Research Supports CBD 

Researchers have had their eyes on CBD for many years now, but since hemp was only just made legal at the federal level, science is playing a little game of catch-up. 

Since the early `1970s, hemp, and by association, CBD, was listed as Schedule 1 Drug. This meant that it resided next to the likes of cocaine in the eyes of the fed. 

2018 changed all that, and with new legislation came legalization and a boom in the industry. With that boom came more research, though universities and research teams all over the country had been researching before then in states where Cannabis was legalized. 

All history aside, the new influx of money into the CBD industry and the sudden boost in users meant more opportunities for research. That research has borne fruit, and the evidence suggests that CBD has much greater potential than we even realize. 

Studies have linked CBD to easing anxiety-related disorders like depression, GAD, and even PTSD. The compound seems to help with emotional management and reducing stress/anxiety in certain studies. 

If we wanted to explain and cite every study on CBD, we’d need much more than just one article to do so. The bottom line is that the research does support CBD in almost all of its alleged applications. 

Between anecdotal evidence, the testimony of medical professionals, and a growing body of research, it’s clear that CBD has a place in the future of human health. 

More To Come

The CBD industry is expected to continue to grow exponentially for at least the next few years, providing ample opportunities to explore all of its benefits and uses. With money pouring in and demand growing, we’re sure to see more research being conducted to solidify the claims that make people flock to CBD oils and other products. 

The only thing missing right now from the industry is regulation. That’s why it’s so important to only get your CBD products from reputable companies. Many of the best CBD companies, like Penguin CBD, operate online and don’t sell their products to stores in wholesale transactions.

The CBD you’ll find on your local grocery store shelves isn’t likely to be made from high-quality ingredients, and most experts in the industry recommend avoiding such products. 


Overall, CBD is safe, effective, and able to be used on a daily basis. You can take oil in the morning, at night, include it in your favorite recipes, or take it directly under the tongue. Using it daily shouldn’t produce any side-effects, though some do experience minor effects like fatigue and dry mouth from overconsumption.  

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