How to Create Your Own Cycling Training Program

Sam Richards
Authored by Sam Richards
Posted Thursday, June 11, 2020 - 5:11pm

Every training program needs to be tailored and customized to the person who is going to perform them. If you would like to make your own program to improve your cycling and overall performance for your next event. To make the best program, you need to have a few considerations first.

Making an Assessment 

To start training, you would need to assess to see where you are at in terms of physicality, strengths, and endurance. You need to see the problem areas too, so you know what programs can address them. The program that you design can be beneficial for you if you target the things that need immediate action. You can base it on past experiences and performances, especially when you are keeping records of what you are doing every time. The assessment will also help you in selecting the proper workouts that will help you address your weakness and improve your strengths further. 

Organizing the Right Workouts

Organizing the right workout for your program would require you to heavily based on the assessment you have initially made. In planning what to incorporate, you need to include high-intensity ones that you can do at least twice in a week. For low-intensity workouts, you can do them for the rest of the week. In plotting your schedule, you should effectively put them in the proper spacing while incorporating rest days as well. The rest days are important because these are the building days, especially when you need to build muscle or resistance. You should also include days when you train outdoors with your bike. To get the right accompaniment for your cycling training, you can have a look at one that is flexible as seen on because this will help you build the stamina and strength you need. You have to make sure that the bike is heavy-duty. While you can definitely train with the bike you use for competitions, it wouldn't hurt to get one just for training to avoid putting too much pressure on the bike.

Increasing the Phase of the Workout

When you workout, you would need to be consistent in terms of performance, but you also need to increase in terms of the intensity and even the weight. This is done so that you don't plateau and you get the optimal results. This should be carefully done as not to injure the muscles with overloading or make them stagnant with the same load for a longer period. Set goals to achieve and increase these goals as you progress into another week. It is helpful to keep a record to track your progress and development.

Consider the things mentioned above to easily plan and create your own cycling training program. Creating your own training program will ensure more personalized training that will address your needs and strengthen your assets further. You would also need this to improve your performance in cycling. If you are consistent with your efforts, you will definitely reap the benefits of your next game. 

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