What is the connection between physical health and mental health?

Val Watson
Authored by Val Watson
Posted Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 9:28pm

When we mention health and well-being, everyone almost always thinks of physical health. On the other hand, mental health, though often neglected, is a big part of our overall well-being. If we’re not mentally healthy or happy, our physical health will start deteriorating and vice versa.

In fact, around 50-80% of people who suffer from mental health problems will end up with sleep-related problems.

If you wish to know how to keep yourself healthy in all aspects, you need to pay attention to both your physical and mental health. So, come on, let’s see how the two are connected!

What is physical health?

Physical health is defined as the normal functioning of the body. When you are physically healthy, you can carry out your everyday tasks like going to work, buying groceries, exercising, and spending time with your loved ones.

Physical health can be broadly classified into how your body grows and works based on how much exercise you do and what you eat.

It’s important to be physically healthy so that you can prevent lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension.

Being physically healthy also means that you’ll be more resistant to diseases like viral fever, cold, and cough.

If you want to be physically healthy, make sure to eat a balanced meal and work out for at least 30 minutes every day. You should also stay away from processed foods and addictive substances like alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

What is mental health?

Mental health, in simple terms, is the state of your mental well-being. It has more to do with your emotions, moods, and behavior that are influenced by different factors in your life.

When your mental health is strong and healthy, you can enjoy your daily life and feel confident about who you are and what you do.

Mental health is an integral concept of health because if your mental well-being is affected, you’ll suffer from depression, anxiety, and stress disorder.

However, mental health is much more than the elimination of mental health disorders. It is your holistic development and how you behave in different situations.

Factors like genetics, substance use, and stress can be big factors in how well your mental health is.

To enhance your mental health, you can rely on meditation and other calming exercise. However, if you’re already suffering from serious conditions or struggling with your mental health, seek professional help at a well-known luxury mental health facility.

There, a team of professionals will curate a personalized therapy plan for your individual needs and help you overcome your issues.

Connection between physical and mental health

Physical and mental health, since intrinsically linked, complement each other.

For example, if your mental health is affected, you have a higher chance of suffering from chronic physical conditions.

This is mainly because of the interplay of different hormones in your body. Dopamine, known as the happiness hormone, is responsible for rewards and recognition. Estrogen, another hormone, downregulates dopamine and mimics the functioning of certain antipsychotic medicines.

This is why, in postpartum women, when estrogen levels fall, it leads to higher chances of psychosis.

How does physical health affect mental health?

Even the slightest changes in your physical health can cause a disbalance in your mental well-being.

For example, metabolic diseases like diabetes and hypertension can cause stress-induced mental health disorders like anxiety.

This happens because patients with uncontrolled high blood sugar or blood pressure often have nutritional deficiencies. It leads to hormonal disbalance in the brain, causing rapid fluctuations in their mood.

Quite similarly, someone suffering from a prolonged disease like cancer is likely to suffer from mental health problems like depression, especially if they undergo frequent bouts of radio or chemotherapy.

How does mental health affect physical health?

Mental health is also responsible for how your body functions. If your mental health is deteriorating, you won’t feel like eating or sleeping normally. Over time, this can cause problems like gastritis and migraines.

Mental health disorders, when not treated properly, can lead to rapid aging. Cortisol, popularly known as the stress hormone, increases when people suffer from mental health problems.

If the underlying cause of the disorder is not treated in time, cortisol can disrupt the immune and cardiovascular systems. This is why you must seek, either at an outpatient therapy clinic or at a luxury mental health facility.

How to Maintain both Physical and Mental Health Together?

You can work both on your physical and mental health with simple practices like these.

1. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise enhances metabolic function, immune system, heart and lung health, gut microbiome diversity, muscle mass, and muscle function. It also reduces inflammation.

It also enhances your mental health with enhanced cognitive function, memory, and impulse control. Simultaneously, it reduces stress and anxiety and depression symptoms and elevates mood and energy levels.

To enjoy all these benefits, here are some additional tips

  • Practice at least 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic exercise every week.
  • Start with easy and enjoyable exercises instead of trying the difficult ones. Difficult exercises don’t imply better results. Instead, they’ll demotivate you faster.
  • Never train too intensely to avoid injuring or stressing yourself. Know your limits.
  • Set small and achievable goals for every day to ensure you stay dedicated.

2. Consume a balanced diet

A healthy diet also maintains your physical health, which in turn uplifts your mood, makes you feel more energized, and helps battle symptoms of mental health concerns.

There’s a lot of confusion about a balanced diet due to conflicting information and the need for tracking your calorie, protein, and nutrient intake.

You don’t have to do either of them. Instead, follow these standard tips:

  • Avoid processed, ready-made foods, such as instant noodles or instant soup.
  • Skip the fried junk food and food with excess sugar or salt.
  • Consume around 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid canned or frozen food. If you do have them, go for low-sugar/sodium alternatives.
  • Drink around 3 liters of water every day.

3. Take plenty of rest

Make some me-time every day away from all kinds of distractions, like screens and family members, for about 30-45 minutes.

Notice your surroundings and your feelings, but don’t overthink or worry about them. You can also practice mindfulness and better understand your emotions.


If you wish to take care of both your physical and mental health simultaneously, there are a few simple things you must do every day. Work out regularly, keep a check on what you eat, and sleep well.

If there are any further complications, seek healthcare professionals immediately and get treated!

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