Promoting Devon's creative children

Launched in September, Young Creatives is an award scheme created by in partnership with Devon Libraries. Aiming to promote creativity in children and young adults, the award scheme asks schools, parents and families to work together to encourage children to spend more time being creative and enjoying Devon, instead of playing video games or watching TV.

The company has put together an infographic on what Devon has produced in the way of creative talent to showcase what Devon children could potentially offer for generations to come.

The scheme is open to 5-16 year olds and asks for a short piece of writing or a photograph about their favourite place in Devon.

As well as promoting creative talent, reading, writing and photography, the company are also offering the two 11-16 year old category winners a work experience placement at their Bideford offices to help work with schools and young adults to encourage employment in the travel industry.

All six finalists in the three age categories will also win a £250 voucher for their families and £100 worth of best-selling books for their school, on top of the selection of prizes on offer for the children themselves.

To enter or for more details contact Emma Southcombe on or visit their website

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