A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Your Own Vegetables

Val Watson
Authored by Val Watson
Posted Thursday, August 8, 2024 - 10:35am

Growing your own vegetables can be an exceptionally rewarding experience that can encourage you to add more green to your diet. However, it can also be incredibly frustrating to see blackbirds and insects eat your new shoots- or fail to grow at all. Then, here is a beginner’s guide to getting your own vegetable patch off the ground.

Create a Patch of Earth

It can be difficult to maintain and remember to care for your vegetable shoots if you have scattered them across your garden. To ensure that you can create a safe and well-kempt area for them to grow to full size in, you should ensure that your garden has a designated vegetable patch within it. This patch should be somewhere with rich earth, and that is not planted with a host of other shrubs and flowers. You should also check that this space gets enough sunlight throughout the year. Before you grow any vegetables, though, you should remove any weeds or large rocks and till the earth so that it is fertile.

Choose the Basics

Some vegetables are harder to grow than others. To make sure that you get off to a roaring start, you should try to plant the most common types of homegrown vegetables first, or else you might feel defeated and give up before you have even properly begun. Some of the best vegetables to grow in your garden include beans, spinach, and peas. However, when you are choosing which vegetables you are going to grow, you should only buy seeds that you know you are going to eat and that you are able to add to a variety of meals. This will stop them from going to waste.

Get the Seeds

Once you have decided on which vegetables you are going to grow, it is time to buy the seeds. You should buy a generous number of these seeds so that you have a larger chance of success. It is also important that these seeds have come from a high-quality company. Before you buy the seeds in question, though, you should read the packet to see whether they are appropriate for your garden and the time of year. If you are struggling to find the seeds that you want in garden centres near you, you should consider shopping online at https://vegetableseedscompany.co.uk/ as they will be able to deliver your seeds straight to your door.

Keep Pests Away

Although you might not like the thought of harming any nature in your garden, pests such as slugs can eat your plants and leave you without the vegetables that you have put so much effort into growing. This means that you should look around for kind repellentsthat can keep them away and prevent you from having to eradicate them entirely. You should also invest in netting to prevent birds from swooping in for a cheeky peck at your newly ripe veggies. This will let you to enjoy meals without constantly worrying that you will find a bug in the middle of your greens.

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