Changes to recycling and rubbish collections in Mid Devon
All Mid Devon households will soon be receiving a new collection calendar as the Council reorganises its recycling and rubbish collections rounds to become more efficient and reduce costs.
Up until now many people have had to remember two different days of the week for your brown bins/black sacks and your black recycling box. The good news is that from Monday 31 March there will be one regular day of the week for each collection. This could mean that your collection day(s) will change.
Waste & Transport Manager Simon Newcombe said: “We’ve done lots of preparation to make the transition to the new rounds as smooth as possible. You can check your new collection dates online at www.middevon.gov.uk/newrounds and you’ll soon be getting your new calendar. This will run for an 18-month period until the end of September 2015 … so please make sure you keep hold of it!
“Some households will find that, as we make the transition from the old rounds to the new rounds, you will get two collections of the same materials on two consecutive weeks, although we’ve tried to reduce the amount of households affected.
“Apart from a very small number of households which are joining the alternate weekly scheme and will now get a brown bin collection of garden waste, food waste and cardboard, there are no other changes to the materials we are collecting.
“With such a big change there are bound to be a few teething problems, so please do bear with us.”
Apart from assisted collections, the Council will no longer travel down the majority of private roads or tracks to pick up rubbish or recycling. In this case collections will be from the adopted road kerbside at the junction of the private road or track. All households affected are receiving a letter explaining the changes.
For more information visit www.middevon.gov.uk/newrounds to use the new online collection look-up and to find answers to “frequently asked questions” or call Customer Services on 01884 255255.