The Difference Between Cordless and Petrol Lawn Mower

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted Monday, January 20, 2020 - 6:09am

Mowing your lawn is necessary for its maintenance and upkeep. While this chore can prove to be tedious and difficult, mowing your lawn can be made easier with the right lawn mower. There are several types of lawn mowers that you can choose from and among these are manual lawn mowers, cordless lawn mowers, as well as those powered by petrol.

The main difference on a manual lawn mower, a cordless or a battery-operated lawn mower and a petrol lawn mower is simply its source of power. Lawn mower Larry has a useful guide in terms of using a manual lawn mower that is great if you are after a physical workout while you cut your grass. Nevertheless, if you have a bumpy ground to cover, then a cordless or a petrol lawn mower would be more advantageous. But to be able to decide between the two on which is a better mower for your lawn, it is best to highlight their differences in terms of power, smell and sound, usability, maintenance, and price.


Petrol mowers have an advantage over cordless mowers in terms of power. Thus, petrol mowers are suitable for spacious lawns while cordless mowers are more appropriate for small blocks and strips of grass.

Smell and Sound

If petrol mowers win over cordless mowers in terms of power, the tables are turned when it comes to smell and sound. Cordless mowers are known for minimal emissions as well as minimal noise upon operation. On the other hand, if you want to greatly annoy your neighbors, mow your lawn with a petrol lawn mower early on a Sunday morning.


While cordless mowers have more flexibility in terms of moving around your lawn because you are not bound by cords, you may have a limited run time because the battery can die out on you anytime. Conversely, you need to consider the specific model of a petrol lawn mower because different variants have different specifications. In both types of mowers, however, you need to consider the deck size, which is simply how wide the lawn mower is able to cut.


In terms of maintenance, cordless mowers prove to have an advantage over petrol mowers. This is because petrol mowers need several maintenance items such as spark plugs, oil, air, and fuel filters to keep the mower in its top condition. Cordless mowers on the other hand only need to be recharged or worse, a battery replacement.


Finally, both cordless mowers and petrol mowers vary in price depending on the specific model. Some petrol mowers may prove to be expensive because of their power specifications while other cordless mowers may have an equally expensive price tag because of additional safety features.

Mowing your lawn is a daunting task, especially if you have a comparatively large space. However, it can be made more effortless with the proper equipment such as an appropriate lawn mower that suits your needs and preferences. Thus, it is imperative for you to know which lawn mower would work best according to your needs to make the chore of mowing your lawn less menacing.

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