Hiring a chimney sweep
It seems that with every passing day more and more people are talking about abandoning their gas or electric heating and moving on to traditional wood stoves.
If you buy your wood fuel in bulk, wood heat can cost you as little as 10 pence per kilowatt-hour of heat. Ecodesign-compliant wood burners can now be had for as little as £500. And if that wasn’t enough, unlike gas and (in most parts of the country) electric heat, wood fuel heat is considered to be 100% carbon neutral.
But if you want your wood burner to serve you well, you need to have it swept regularly. In this article, we'll tell you everything you know about hiring a chimney sweep in the United Kingdom.
Is Chimney Sweeping Necessary?
According to Lekto’s new chimney sweeping guide, the main purpose of chimney sweeping is the removal of creosote. This is a highly toxic, cancerogenic compound that is released into their whenever wood biomass is burned. The build-up of this material in your chimney liner can create a serious fire and combustion hazard
There is a direct correlation between moisture content and creosote buildup speed. Burning low quality, poorly seasoned wood leads to an incredibly quick buildup of creosote. Burning high quality, Ready to Burn firewood slows this process down, but it does not stop it completely.
How Often Do I Need to Sweep My Chimney?
According to the latest NACS data, you might need to hire a chimney sweep as many as three or four times a year if you burn wet wood. If you only use Ready to Burn wood fuels, an annual cleaning should be more than enough.
If your chimney is in good repair, the entire process can take under an hour. If your appliance needs repairs, this process can take up to several hours (and hundreds of extra pounds).
How Much Does Chimney Sweeping Cost in 2022?
A basic sweep of the flue will cost you between £40 and £100, depending on the region you live in and what sort of professional you hire. For best results, we recommend hiring a HETAS-certified professional. To do so, simply go to the HETAS’ official licensed chimney sweep finder site and enter your postcode.