Why Quieting Your Home May Benefit You
Day in day out, most of us are bombarded with noises and distractions from various sources all day long. But unbeknownst to many, this can have a significant negative impact on their life, health, and wellness. From triggering stress to disrupting your sleep and affecting your concentration, a noisy home can wreak havoc in your life in quite a number of ways.
While there’s little you can do to prevent noise pollution in the streets, outdoors or your workplace, there are a few ways you can promote quietness in your home, some of which will be covered a bit later on this article. If your home is located near a nightclub or a busy street, for instance, Andrea Adams and the team from silenthomehub.com say that one of the best ways to keep such noise out is by soundproofing your home. With the right soundproofing products and technologies, you can transform any home that has been affected by noise into a peaceful haven of relaxation and comfort. But the big question is, why exactly should you encourage or promote quietness in your home?
Well, here are a few reasons why quieting your home may benefit you.
A Good Way to Distress
Noise is one of those things that can easily trigger your body’s stress response mechanism. More often than not, homeowners find themselves stressing so much over various things, and for a significant number of them, noisy environments are to blame. Science also has it, that noise pollution has a way of increasing the production of stress hormones such as cortisol. Needless to mention, stress is known to lead to a wide range of negative health effects. Therefore, quieting your home is a great way to curb tension, reduce stress, promote comfort, and, in the long run, promote good health.
It Helps You Sleep Better
For starters, there’s a high chance that you’re unable to fall and stay asleep in a noisy environment. As if that’s all, research has actually demonstrated how spending time in silence practicing mindfulness and meditation can help people sleep better. Medical experts actually encourage people to spend at least 30 minutes in silence before bedtime if they want to sleep better. And considering how important sleep is in one’s health and productivity, quieting your home will be beneficial to your health and wellness in a plethora of ways.
Improved Concentration and Self-Awareness
Even if you don’t carry work home, tasks such as reading a book, cooking, or even watching your favorite TV show may require your concentration at it’s best. And what better way to get that than in a quiet environment? Maybe you’re preparing for an interview, studying for a test, or even rehearsing for a presentation… all these are some of the many things that need your total focus and concentration. In addition to this, at times some silence goes a long way in helping you self-reflect and become more aware of the universe, another huge reason to quiet your home.
Quiet Time Has a Healing Effect
In most cases of disease and emotional trauma, quiet time works magic. It’s perhaps one of the reasons why medical practitioners encourage quiet and sometimes darkened rooms for their patients after surgery or certain treatment procedures. This is because unlike in environments with noise disturbance, calmness promotes spiritual and emotional wellness, curbs anxiety and reduces stress as earlier mentioned. If you’ve been hurting emotionally or just in case you ever find yourself in that spot, having a quiet home can work to your advantage.
How to Improve Quietness in Your Home
Some, some ways you can quiet your home may include:
- Try soundproofing your home using acoustic panels (as earlier mentioned in the opener)
- Adding rugs and carpets
- Adding curtains
- Adding a drywall layer
- Home insulation
- Investing in sound-blocking doors and windows
- Ensuring your electronic entertainment devices are on only when you need them
- Encouraging quietness from other family members
From the above few pointers, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be convinced to make your home quiet. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean turning your home into a spooky dark space filled with nothing but total silence (NPI). Rather, it means creating a space that you can better control in terms of noise from both indoors and outdoor sources. All the same, the best environment is the one that you feel most relaxed in, especially after a busy day or week at work. The idea is to make it as conducive as possible for unwinding and getting the comfort you very much deserve… so go ahead and quiet your home using the few tips you got from this article!