Homes & Gardens

Questions landlords must ask themselves

If you have plans to become a landlord, there are a few important questions that you should ask yourself before embarking on this journey.

Being a landlord can be an excellent way to boost your income, and it can be an interesting and rewarding business venture, but it is also a lot of work and not well suited to everyone.

By focusing on these questions, you can determine if it is right for you and make intelligent decisions that will set you up for success down the line. So, if you are planning on becoming a landlord, be sure to ask yourself the following.


Val Watson

Val Watson


How to Make Your Home Exterior Look Luxurious: 6 Classy Ways

Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Thu, 05/05/2022 - 8:34am

Aesthetics play a massive role, especially when it comes down to how you want to design your home. Let’s face it, we all have a dream home designed in our minds. Most people restrict themselves from remodeling their homes because of their limited budget.

In reality, your budget definitely plays a role but is not as big as you think. You can design your dream home even within a restricted budget and this article will guide you how. Let’s dig in!

1. A covered entrance

First impressions matter and your house entrance obviously plays quite a crucial role in it. So,...

Why Buying a Home is a Better Investment than Renting In 2022

Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Thu, 04/28/2022 - 3:48pm

Rental and housing prices are both increasing, making it harder to decide which is the best option when it comes to living. Although buying a home is a big commitment, renting leaves you with nothing at the end and it can be frustrating paying out to a landlord instead of putting money towards a home.

Renting can make it more difficult to save but it also has its place if you need somewhere to live but you are not ready to buy a home or get a mortgage yet. Below we look at why buying a home is a better investment than renting in 2022.

How To Buy A Home

Before we...

Secure Your First Mortgage: Top Money Saving Tips for First-Time Homeowners

Authored by Val Watson
Posted: Thu, 04/14/2022 - 11:55am

Saving up for a mortgage deposit can feel like an impossible task, but it is possible with the right approach.

In this post, debt help experts Creditfix breakdown their top tips on how first-time home buyers can save for their first mortgage. Alongside helping thousands beat debt each year, Creditfix offer free advice on everything from equity release ( find out more ) and everyday savings and budgeting tips.

Here are 6 top tips to help you save money for your first home:

1. Make a budget and stick to it

One of the most important steps in saving for a...

Hop along to Redrow's big red egg hunt this bank holiday weekend

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Thu, 04/14/2022 - 1:28am

A local home builder is hosting an egg-citing – and weather-proof – Easter egg hunt for families across the South West patch over the bank holiday weekend (April 15-18).

Chocolate lovers must find the hidden ‘red egg’ inside one of the Redrow show homes or show home gardens in the South West to be in with a chance of winning £200 worth of luxury chocolate.

Everyone who successfully locates the red egg will win an Easter egg on the day, while those who snap a “shell-fie” with it, and upload it to social media, will be entered into a prize draw to win a £200 voucher from...

Exeter Renter? Treehaus Launches Landlord Review Platform

Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Tue, 04/05/2022 - 9:57am

Social entrepreneur Niel Nichols and Technologist Mark Brown are bringing the first national rental database platform to life on Treehaus. The platform's launch is designed to keep landlords accountable and give tenants a voice.

The database covers 80-90% of private and social rental properties in the UK and is the first of its kind. To learn more about this powerful platform giving renters more insight into landlords' quality and how this can help you as a tenant in Exeter, keep reading.

Rental Conditions Need a Rework

Did you know that 1 in 5 rented homes do not meet...

When is it time to say goodbye to your old washing machine?

Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Thu, 03/31/2022 - 10:13pm

Is your washing machine on the blink? Is it starting to leak, or make a funny noise? Perhaps your clothes are no longer coming out as clean as they used to, or everything is always sopping wet at the end of a cycle. Maybe all seems fine on the surface, but you’ve had it for as long as you can remember so you think it might be time you found a replacement.

You need to take into account their energy and water consumption, as well as where you might be able to pick up a new one. Here’s everything you need to know.

Water consumption

Research shows that washing...

How to Improve your Garden this Summer

Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Thu, 03/31/2022 - 10:22am

Most people look forward to renovating and redesigning their gardens in the spring and summer seasons. Since most activities are held in open gardens with plenty of sunshine, it is practical to landscape, redesign, and add elements that make the area attractive and welcoming. When planning the renovation and improvements, some things to consider are paths and patios, hedges, boundaries and walls, negative spaces, water features, children’s sensory gardens or play areas, state of the art hot tubs, modern outdoor kitchens and more.

Modern gardens have been all the rage for the past...

Issy and Ian Maggee

A perfect community and home for Issy and Ian at Romansfield, in a property that ticks all their boxes

When Issy and Ian Magee decided to downsize their home, they had a long list of requirements for the new property. As their children had grown up and moved overseas, they knew that they wanted a property that featured a large communal area for when their children and grandchildren came to visit. Issy is a keen chef, and when the family visits she wants to spend all of her time with them and not be separated in the kitchen while they relax in the living space.

The couple spent a while looking across the entire region; Hampshire, Wiltshire and Dorset, and nothing was turning their...

Call for sites: Land needed for new developments in East Devon

Authored by News Desk
Posted: Tue, 03/29/2022 - 9:10pm

Do you own land that could be used to build housing or developments?

East Devon District Council (EDDC) is looking to make a list of potential sites that could be drawn upon to help develop its new local plan - which will help shape what and where developments will go for the next 15 years and more.

The authority is now looking to identify suitable building sites for new homes and other developments. To assist with this, EDDC is inviting residents, businesses, land owners and other bodies, as part of a ‘call for sites’, to identify land areas they feel could be suitable...

DIY and Health and Safety – What Do You Need to Know?

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Tue, 03/29/2022 - 8:05am

Whether you are a new homeowner or a veteran on the housing market, you’ll be no stranger to the idea of approaching your property from a DIY perspective. DIY can be an inexpensive way to achieve strong results – but taking charge of any project, however small, can present health and safety risks. How can you effectively manage those risks?

Regulations and Permissions

For limited and localised DIY tasks, from painting rooms to erecting or knocking down stud walls, there are no regulations or permissions you need to be mindful of before beginning. However, larger projects...

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