Homes & Gardens

Questions landlords must ask themselves

If you have plans to become a landlord, there are a few important questions that you should ask yourself before embarking on this journey.

Being a landlord can be an excellent way to boost your income, and it can be an interesting and rewarding business venture, but it is also a lot of work and not well suited to everyone.

By focusing on these questions, you can determine if it is right for you and make intelligent decisions that will set you up for success down the line. So, if you are planning on becoming a landlord, be sure to ask yourself the following.


Val Watson

Val Watson


Should I Buy Trisodium Phosphate?

Authored by
Posted: Wed, 03/23/2022 - 11:40am

We are surrounded by an incredible world of compounds and chemicals, but we really only know about the ones being marketed. Sad, isn't it? One such compound which you don't see advertised very often is trisodium phosphate. This is one of those magic compounds that can solve a lot of your cleaning woes. So if you are wondering whether you should buy it or not, then it's an obvious yes.

In this article we will be talking about the TSP cleaner. If you still don't know what it is, then you should read more about it at Activemyhome .

Before we start with the reasons for using...


5 things to consider before redecorating your living room

As the main living space in your home, your living room is often the showpiece, and you will want to develop a theme that can be followed throughout the property. If your living room is in need of a refresh, or you just feel like changing the colour scheme of the house, then you will want to come up with a few design ideas before getting started. You don’t have to hire an interior designer to manage the process for you, why not design your sitting room yourself? Setting a budget is important so that you are not spending over the odds on paint or new furniture, then you will want to think...

Renovate or refurb

Should I Refurbish or Renovate My Property?

Whether you are trying to bring out a spark in your home or you are trying to improve a property to be as appealing as possible to a potential buyer it is important to determine whether or not refurbishment or renovation is what is required.

Quite often the terms refurbishment and renovation are used as equivalents but there are some nuanced factors to each that makes them different, knowing the difference can sometimes be useful.

Refurbishment usually means that a property undergoes an attempted improvement to what already exists; cleaning, decorating, re-equipping. It...

Surge in the UK: Time to sell your House?

If selling your house is something that you have been thinking about, throughout the last months, or even years, maybe the time is now. Last February, the demand in housing rose in the UK, due to a shortage of stock on the market. This jump of 2.3%, made the average price rise to close to £350,000. If that is enticing to you, here are a few things you should know.

What are Home Buyers looking for?

Right now, any house going on the market is bound to find a new owner rapidly. However, the price you sell for will still depend greatly on the state of the house. Buyers are quite...

How to choose the right plantation shutters for your home

How to Choose the Right Plantation Shutters for your Home

Plantation shutters have been around for a very long time dating all the way back to ancient Greece but they got their name from the American South Plantations.

They are made of wooden slats (also known as louvres) that are in the middle of a wooden frame, the slats can be tilted at any angle as well as being able to be fully closed over.

They were used in Ancient Greece and then became popular in the American South for the same reason they are incredibly easy to use and are a versatile way of dealing with the Mediterranean heat. They also provide privacy and keep out...

How to Add a Decorative Touch to a Bland New Build Property

Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Fri, 03/18/2022 - 1:10pm

If you’ve purchased a house that has just been built, you might be thinking about ways to make it more interesting and appealing. While new homes can look very neat and polished, your new property may be next to multiple other houses which are all uniform in style. This can leave you wondering what you can do to add a decorative touch and make your home stand out and feel special to you. We’ll consider some of the ways you can add a decorative touch to a bland new build property.

Focus on the Entrance

The main entrance to your property can provide a great opportunity to make a...

A Few Words on Restoring Historic Homes in Ely

Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Thu, 03/17/2022 - 10:16am

In many parts of the world there are very few historic or heritage homes. Much of the construction is newer and restoration of these homes doesn’t take a specialist service to give that home what amounts to a face lift. In the UK, however, many homes are centuries old and the process for restoring them to their former glory takes an extra level of expertise rooted in tradition.

Many of the historic homes throughout Cambridgeshire were built in an age when architecture and construction was as much an art as it was a science. In fact, not all homes from past eras were country...

Exeter eco development set to complete in the summer

A new sustainable housing development in Exeter is on course for completion in the summer.

Housing association LiveWest has joined forces with partnership house building specialist, Lovell, to build 60 affordable homes at Ringswell Avenue.

There will be 35 homes for social rent and 25 for shared ownership, including a mix of two, three and four-bedroom properties.

The first residents are set to move in early summer and the whole development will be completed before the end of August.

It is the first development to meet LiveWest’s new sustainable homes...

4 Benefits of an oil-filled radiator

Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Fri, 03/11/2022 - 6:51am

Have you been considering getting an oil-filled radiator for a while now but need some more information on them? Do you want to know why you should be getting an oil-filled radiator?

If you are searching for an effective and affordable way to heat your home this winter, consider investing in one of the best oil-filled radiators you can currently buy reviewed on Heating Wise . Oil-filled radiators are a type of space heater that uses oil as a heat transfer fluid.

Despite their name, oil-filled radiators do not emit any fumes or require refueling, making them a safe and...

Hiring a chimney sweep

Authored by David Banks
Posted: Wed, 03/09/2022 - 10:13am

It seems that with every passing day more and more people are talking about abandoning their gas or electric heating and moving on to traditional wood stoves.

If you buy your wood fuel in bulk, wood heat can cost you as little as 10 pence per kilowatt-hour of heat. Ecodesign-compliant wood burners can now be had for as little as £500. And if that wasn’t enough, unlike gas and (in most parts of the country) electric heat, wood fuel heat is considered to be 100% carbon neutral.

But if you want your wood burner to serve you well, you need to have it swept regularly. In this...

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