How to win the weight loss battle all year round
With the New Year fast approaching the buzzword on everyone’s lips is ‘change’ as we all look to do something different to make this year better than last.
After the excess of Christmas, New Year is a great time to go and get the body you’ve always wanted.
2013 will be fantastic for you because with just a small shift in your thinking you’ll keep interested long into those dark cold winter months.
The secret weapon in the fight against the flab is what I call ‘your big reason’.
It is hugely powerful simply because just like a best friend it will guide you in the right direction and give you the best answers - in return you’ll get awesome long-term weight loss that lasts all year long.
So before you decide to hit the new body trail this year, spend some time deciding what your big reason is.
The trick is to make it personal to you; it could be that you’d like to change your body so you can run around with the children for as long as they want or you have a dream job that you would feel more confident getting into if you felt you looked the part. Your big reason could even be as simple as feeling more confident when you go out with friends.
This little gem may even pull on your heart strings from time to time because it is so close to you. Half-hearted reasons just don’t come close to giving you the kick up the bum of these bad boys so go ahead and do everything you can to make your new body happen.
Find your very own big reason and the Lbs. will still be tumbling way past February this year.
To get 2013 off to the best possible start, click here: www.flatbellyformula.co.uk