Local homebuilder raises over £70,000 in a year for hospice charities

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Friday, June 21, 2024 - 10:45pm

Local homebuilder Barratt David Wilson Homes is delighted to announce that it has raised more than £70,000 for its two chosen charities of the year, Hospiscare and Children's Hospice South West (CHSW), during their 2023/2024 fundraising campaign.

The team’s efforts included a variety of fundraising events such as a golf day, a bingo night, a bake-off in the Barratt offices, and a glittering gala dinner held on 17th May. The gala dinner alone raised over £35,000 for the two charities, significantly contributing to the overall total of £72,071.

The funds raised will provide essential support for Hospiscare and Children's Hospice South West, two charities that play crucial roles in the community. Hospiscare offers specialist care for people with terminal illnesses across Devon, while CHSW provides respite and end-of-life care for children and young people with life-limiting conditions and their families across the South West.

Rhiannon, a bereaved mum who has been supported by CHSW and attended the charity gala with her partner, Tom, shared her heartfelt appreciation for the donation: "The word charity only describes how this place is funded – not what it does. It is the primary service for all parents and carers of children with short lives. It is the helping hand for the worn-out dad who lifts their child to bed every night, the entertainment committee for the siblings who never get a holiday, the steady voice on the phone for the weary mum with too many choices to make, the medical advice for your kid’s unique needs, and the ongoing hug for the grieving parent.”

She continued, “Every penny helps keep this a safe haven for all local families, and as one of them, I could not be more grateful. Your donation has changed my life for the better, so thank you."

Andrew Spicer, Managing Director of Barratt David Wilson Homes Exeter, said: "We are immensely proud of the efforts made by our team and the generosity of our community in supporting these vital charities. The incredible amount raised will make a significant difference to the lives of those who rely on Hospiscare and CHSW in Devon and Cornwall. We are committed to continuing our support for such important causes."

Sarah Smith, Head of Public Fundraising for Hospiscare, added: "The generosity and support from Barratt have been truly inspiring. We rely on donations for over 80 per cent of our budget, so the money raised will allow us to continue providing compassionate care to those who need it most. We are deeply grateful being chosen as one of Barratt’s charities of the year and look forward to collaborating with them on a project later this year to create a wellbeing garden for our guests."

For more information about Hospiscare and how you can support them, head to their website at  www.hospiscare.co.uk.

To find out more about CHSW and how you can support them, please visit their website at www.chsw.org.uk.

To learn more about Barratt Developments, visit www.barratthomes.co.uk.

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