Rachel to run marathon dressed as a lobster
Rachel Marshall, a 39-year-old Mortgage Adviser from Exeter will be running the London Marathon on 26 April dressed as a lobster, to raise money for national deafblind charity Sense.
Rachel who has named her lobster Loulou, said: “People often ask me ‘Why a Lobster?’ and to them I say ‘Why not?’. I was looking for a costume as at last year’s marathon I felt so jealous of the spectacular response people in costumes get and when I saw Loulou I couldn’t help but smile. Other people smile when they see her too and that can’t be bad!”
Rachel was inspired to run for Sense as she used to work at the Plymouth Deaf Association and knows first-hand the challenges faced by people with sensory impairments.
This is the 39-year-old’s second marathon and she hopes to be able to complete the 26.2 mile race in less than six hours, due to her gigantic costume slowing her down.
“I’m not fast, but I always get there in the end! I have a picture on my desk of finishing the marathon last year and it reminds me of the amazing feeling of achievement and how great the day was. Friends who have children tell me that when you see your baby for the first time you forget all the pain and I think of the marathon a bit like that…”
Rachel has raised £1,000 so far for the charity and is hoping to double that. She’s been selling cakes at work and walking around town in her lobster outfit to get people to sponsor her!
To sponsor Rachel Marshall please go to - http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/RachelMarshall3