Legendary TV personality Basil Brush to feature in Devon panto!
The team behind the Exmouth Pavilion Christmas Pantomime haven confirmed TV Legend and all round good fox, Basil Brush will join pantomime favourite Stuart Earp in this year’s production of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.
Basil Brush will feature as The Magic Mirror alongside Stuart Earp as Muddles, Harry Moore as Nurse Nellie, Kassie Malam as Snow White, Jessica Fay Long as The Wicked Queen and Exeter's own Sam Emmerson as The Prince.
Producer Kevin Brown says “It’s going to be a great pantomime this year after sadly having to cancel last year’s production, we cannot wait to get back to Exmouth and bring fun and laughter to our amazing audiences, Basil Brush is a great addition to our show and brings something for all ages as everyone has grown up with his famous catchphrase!”
A spokesperson from Exmouth Pavilion says “We’ve worked with Trio Entertainment for the last seven years and the shows just keep getting better and better, we are so pleased to have this years pantomime now on sale and hope you will join us for panto fun, the show is selling really well so we advise you to book early.”
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs runs from 23rd December 2021 to 1st January 2022
Book Online: www.exmouthpavilion.co.uk
Box Office: 01395 222477