Peter Pan is back, bigger and more raucous than ever before!
This August a delightful and terrifically modern musical theatre adaptation of J.M. Barrie’s classic tale comes to the historic Powderham Castle, some parts of which age back to 14th century. Brought to life by an exceptionally talented young cast from British Youth Music Theatre (BYMT), this truly memorable family show combines a fabulous pop-rock score, and features the stunning ensemble work.
Embark on a breath-taking journey to Neverland with the boy who never grew up. The acclaimed creative team and young performers will be working together to recreate the vivid and magical world, a place where children become adults and adults become children again.
BYMT is the UK’s leading musical theatre organisation for young people, that specialising in putting young performers in the very centre of creative process. The young cast member for Peter Pan are coming from every corner of the UK and overseas, but young Rhys Goldsworthy, aged 14, has come from Chudleigh Knighton, Devon. This is his first project with BYMT and he says: “Since the age of 11 I have been doing musical theatre and want to pursue a career in it. I have attended a number of drama groups including Pauline Quirke Academy in Exeter and have been in a variety of shows such Aladdin and We will Rock You. I am looking forward to being a part of the BYMT performance of Peter Pan in Powderham Castle. I hope to learn new skills and enjoy a positive experience working with a professional company.”
Writer Nick Stimpson, who is a Devon resident and lives in Ashburton, says: “The journey of the show reflects so many of the positive aspects of BYMT: the talent, hard work and inspiration of the young people who have been involved and the expertise brought to the show theatre professionals. For the young people who have been involved with BYMT the experience is intense, hugely rewarding and often positively life - changing.”
Tiffany King the Director continues: “Our imaginations didn’t stop when the theatres closed, in fact for many of us, we became more creative, we reimagined and redefined what is possible. Peter Pan is the perfect show for this season, a story that grows in richness and colour if only you dare to imagine. From the dog-eared pages of a well-read book to a long-forgotten toy hidden in the back of the cupboard or a dusty ornament high up on the shelf, nothing escapes Wendy’s imagination. Neverland is both the stuff of pleasant dreams and nightmares with the comforting knowledge that you will wake up. An iconic tale of its time, this fun production aims to challenge singular views held because of ignorance and miseducation to allow it to speak to a contemporary audience in a new way. Life is what you make it and what starts out as a neatly organised unimaginative monochrome nursery space, soon becomes filled with beautiful colour and energy when you are open to new possibilities. Nothing is impossible when you believe.
Working with BYMT casts on ZOOM this year, has revealed the sheer amount of energy that is possible to be transmitted through the screen alone. If they can bring that much with the challenges of working i n isolation online, just imagine the possibilities and energy that they will bring to the stage when they are together! Be prepared to be blown away!”
We guarantee you’ll be humming the songs like An Awfully Big Adventure, You Must Believe in Magic and many more all the way home. This show is a must see for all the family!
Full price £16, Concessions £12, Family Tickets (2 adults, 2 children) £48 | Book Now https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/peter-pan-tickets-158944859353