Devon announces major review of Youth Services

Devon County Council is set to look again at how it supports young people across the county through its youth services.

The major review is intended to make sure that youth services are properly focused on those in greatest need and deliver the best possible value for money.

Announcing the review, Councillor Will Mumford, Cabinet Member responsible for children’s social care and youth services, said:

“The Youth Service is a key part of the offer we deliver to young people and to communities.

“But it is clear that the service needs to change if we are to continue to meet our statutory duties and serve our communities well with the resources available.

“Changes in Government policy and a need to focus more on helping young people in most need mean that we must look again at the way that these services are currently delivered.

“The recent Ofsted inspection of Devon’s Children’s Services also clearly highlights the need to strengthen our early help and preventative services and youth work has a key role to play in this.

“In short, we need to develop a service that can deliver a sustainable offer to our young people that clearly targets and works to improve the lives of those in greatest need of our support.”

Devon is currently one of the few authorities across the country still providing a universal service for all 13 to 19 year olds on top of its targeted work and community outreach services.

The Youth Service currently employs 111 FTE (230 staff) and operates from more than 80 centres across Devon with a presence in most coastal and market towns. The operational budget for 2013/14 is £3.7 million (excluding buildings).

“It’s important to remember that services to young people are not delivered exclusively by the County Council,” says Councillor Mumford.

“We already have a robust and effective voluntary and community sector working with young people across the county.”

The review will build on the findings of previous consultation with young people, staff, schools and voluntary sector providers and make detailed recommendations on the future of the service as a part of a wider offer to young people across the county.

Proposals are expected by October.

There is a dedicated Youth Services Review website, which gives opportunity to view associated documentation, feedback from the events as the Review progresses, and a chance to ask questions or comment online

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