The top biggest parenting trends for 2020 and the top five worries mums and dads have about their children
The UK’s leading online platform for parents and childcarers has revealed the top parenting trends for 2020, along with the biggest worries for UK parents going into the new year.
A survey of more than 5,000 parents and guardians of 0 to 16 year-olds has found that limitations on children’s social media use and screen time is the biggest trend for 2020, followed by dismantling gender norms, and plant-based diets. The anti-vaccination movement has been revealed as the biggest worry among parents.
A survey of more than 5,000 parents and guardians of children aged 0 to 16 has revealed that social media limitations and dismantling gender norms are among the top parenting trends going into 2020, while the anti-vaccination movement is the biggest concern among parents.
The research, commissioned by Childcare.co.uk, revealed what parents across the UK think about the current parenting and education climate, and what they think might change in 2020. The top trends include limiting access to social media, dismantling gender norms and switching to plant-based diets.
The survey also found that parents and guardians are most worried about the anti-vaccination movement going into the New Year, followed by the climate crisis and bullying respectively.
To find out the top five parenting trends for 2020 and the five biggest worries among mums and dads go to https://www.lifestyledaily.co.uk/article/2020/01/12/five-biggest-parenting-trends-2020-and-five-biggest-worries-mums-and-dads-have