County’s first recovery café opens in Exeter
A NEW café has opened to offer an informal, supportive place to go for people around Exeter experiencing issues with alcohol or drugs.
The Exeter Recovery Café was officially opened by CEO of System Six Kitchens Ian Foster, who supplied the café kitchen, tables and chairs as a competition prize, with Deputy Mayor Cllr Peter Holland. It is the first permanent recovery café in Devon.
Based at RISE Recovery, in Uplands, Heavitree Road, the café will be manned by volunteers, recovery champions and peer supporters, who can all offer advice and support to anyone interested in recovery for themselves or a loved one.
Exeter RISE Manager Dave Leeman said: “This is about making recovery visible to everyone, to show that it is not just possible but positive. Alcohol and drug issues affect people from all walks of life in all areas. Getting the right support changes lives and at RISE that means not just talking to our staff, but building a network of people and becoming part of the thriving, vibrant recovery community that exists here.”
Staff at RISE entered a competition run by System Six to win the kitchen. CEO Ian Foster said: “I’m really pleased that RISE entered the competition and very happy that they won.
"We’d be delighted to carry on our relationship with RISE through Exeter and other offices in Devon. A relatively small gesture for us will offer so much more for others. I have been really impressed with the people at RISE. Everyone is so passionate about recovery and people in recovery. It isn’t just a job for these guys.”
The café was opened at the start of a service open day, which was attended by a large number of health professionals, partner organisations and the Deputy Mayor Cllr Peter Holland as well as service users and volunteers. Attendees were given an overview of all elements of the service and the work RISE does with other local organisations including Learn Devon and Trill Farm.
Deputy Mayor Cllr Peter Holland said: “I’m delighted to have attended and will promote the good work of the volunteers and staff at RISE going forward.
"On a personal level it has made me reflect on my drinking behaviour and I’m more than pleased to act as an ambassador and promote the work that goes on here. I really am impressed, this is the cutting edge of getting people back on their feet to make a meaningful contribution to society.”
IT Champions, who provide IT support for RISE, gave a coffee machine for the café and neighbourhood police donated some unclaimed money towards the project. Waitrose café has offered to train volunteers in how to use the coffee machine.
RISE Recovery provides a free and confidential service for any adult affected by their own or someone else’s substance misuse issue across Devon. There are a number of pop-up recovery cafes that take places around the county.
To find out more visit www.riserecovery.org.uk email enquiries@riserecovery.org.uk or call 01392 492360.