Protect your child from flu this winter
Coughs and colds in children are common at this time of year and are usually relatively mild, but parents are being urged to get their children vaccinated against flu, which can be much more serious.
All primary school children, and some secondary school children (years 7, 8 and 9) are eligible for the flu nasal spray this year, which is usually given at school by school nurses.
Parents will receive a link to the online form from their child’s school. When invited by their school, parents must complete the online consent form for their child to get the flu nasal spray.
GP surgeries are also inviting children aged 2 and 3 years old (age on 31 August), and children with long term health conditions, for the nasal spray vaccination at their practices.
NHS Devon Deputy Chief Nurse Susan Masters said: “No one wants to see their children suffering with flu and you can protect them by getting your child vaccinated. Flu can have serious consequences for young children and those with underlying medical conditions.”
“Younger children are unlikely to have built up any natural immunity to flu and therefore it is particularly important they take the nasal spray vaccine this year. So, if you are offered a jab, please come forward to protect yourself, and help reduce the pressure on our health services.
“Children with long-term health conditions, such as diabetes or heart problems, are at higher risk from flu. In some children, flu can lead to serious problems such as pneumonia, bronchitis or inflammation of the brain, and children with these complications may need hospital treatment. It's very important they're vaccinated.”
Children can catch and spread flu easily. Vaccinating them also protects others who are vulnerable to flu, such as babies and older people.
Home-schooled children and children not in mainstream education should be invited for vaccination by the school aged immunisation service. If you do not hear from them, ask your Local Authority Education Department about arrangements.
Vaccination will start in primary schools and will be closely followed to some secondary school aged children. The timing will depend on the availability of the vaccine.
Find out more about the flu vaccination for children on the NHS website https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/child-flu-vaccine/