Exeter volunteers and businesses band together to supply PPE Face-masks for care-workers
In response to the dire need for PPE for frontline healthcare staff, a non-profit group has formed called PPE4Exeter with a goal of manufacturing 5000 face-masks in the next four weeks.
What started as a small group of volunteers, making face-shields for GPs surgeries and local health and care teams in Devon and Somerset, has blossomed into a collaboration between individuals, local businesses, and organisations, who have already managed to supply over 600 face-masks to frontline staff in the Exeter region since banding together just under three weeks ago.
The group has combined their skills and contacts, working with suppliers and a design team and led codesign processes with clinical teams, to ensure that the face-shields are made using the latest national guidance and align with the needs of the frontline staff that receive them.
Now, PPE4Exeter is looking to increase its capacity to create and distribute this vital equipment to local care-workers and NHS staff.
PPE4Exeter needs YOU!
PPE4Exeter needs to raise funds in order to source materials and equipment, to produce this vital PPE for the frontline workers within our communities.
With help from the public, it is estimated that the social enterprise can assemble and deliver a further 5000 face-shields, within the next four weeks.
A donation of just £5 can provide a re-usable face shield for a local GP, nurse, care-workers, and community response workers who are working in health, social care, and charity settings.
"are-workers on the frontline, looking after patients with COVID-19, are themselves most likely to contract or spread the virus," said PPE4Exeter's Jocelyn Mills, "The best way to protect our communities is to protect those who are working to keep us safe."
To donate, find out more or get involved, go to www.ppe4exeter.co.uk or visit our Crowdfunder page.