Learn more about the implications of football manager sackings at Exeter City FC event
Sports fans can learn about the impact of the frequent sackings of football managers at an event with experts at Exeter City FC.
Regular hirings and firing are common when the performance of football teams dip. Dr Sarah Gilmore, from the University of Exeter Business School, will explain how this managerial merry-go-round has implications beyond the departure of the boss at the talk.
Dr Gilmore’s research shows sackings have profound implications for the working lives of sports scientists. This group of professionals are increasingly key to athletes achieving amazing results, yet their experiences of managerial change are rarely heard.
Scott Swainston, Lead Academy Sports Psychologist at Exeter FC will also speak at the event. The audience can join the discussion and ask questions.
Dr Gilmore said: “I will show what happens when managers and their managerial teams depart and new ones arrive. I have been lucky enough to get an insight into what goes on in the Premier League by working with sports scientists and I’ll share what I have learnt at this informal event.
“We will show how crucial sports scientists are now to athletes and meet some who are working with footballers, and also show a short film about my work. This event will be particularly interesting for those who are planning a career in sports science or football.”
The event, part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science, will take place on Monday 6 November, 18.00, for 'kick off' at 18.30 until 19.30, at the RGB Lounge, at Exeter City Football Club, St James' Park Road, Exeter.
Register for the event at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/football-manager-sackings-and-implication...