Guild-University partnership recognised by Higher Education Academy
The strong working partnership that exists between the Students’ Guild and the University of Exeter has been recognised by the Higher Education Academy (HEA).
In 2013 the HEA launched its first round of Partnership Awards to celebrate successful partnership working in UK higher education. The strong links between the Guild and University have been highly commended by HEA in the category jointly awarded by the National Union of Students: Joint Students’ Union and Institution Partnership.
A nomination was submitted to the awards scheme by VP Academic Affairs Alex Louch and Student Engagement Manager Charlie Leyland. The ‘highly commended’ recognition acknowledges strong partnership working in areas such as Research Uncovered, the Mirror Scheme, Teaching Awards and the involvement of students in high level decision making forums such as the budget scrutiny group.
Alex explains:
“The Students’ Guild acts as a critical friend to the University and I am delighted that the HEA and NUS have recognised the positive partnership we have. Changes such as the introduction of online assignment submission, the development of a three week assignment feedback policy, and the transparent way in which the University presents course costs have all been a result of the fantastic relationship we share.
As part of the Mirror project, I shadowed Vice Chancellor Sir Steve Smith for a day. Projects such as Research Uncovered and the Teaching Awards also show how the Guild works with academics in every discipline across the institution. The transparency of the University and the opportunities students have to work with leaders of the Higher Education sector are truly exceptional in Exeter.”