Additional funding to help youth clubs through COVID-19

Like many voluntary groups and organisations, youth clubs in Devon are struggling right now to stay afloat, with bills to pay and no income to supplement them. It's left many in a hard place, and yet they're part of the solution in helping young people in the transition back to normal life. 

The Youth Work in Devon Partnership is happy to announce that we have been successful in securing additional emergency funds for the youth sector. They are currently distributing over £60,000 to youth clubs across the county to ensure they can operate after COVID-19.

Many youth clubs depend on income from local small grants, membership fees and tuck shop revenue to pay their staff, rent and utilities. Lots of clubs are struggling and having to furlough staff, which may increase the risk of the sector losing key skills, and young people losing the youth workers they have grown to trust. 

Dan Barton, Space’s Partnerships & Projects lead said: “We hope that through this additional funding, the new online training support and the regular video catch ups we are providing, the sector will stay strong and come back after this pandemic is over with renewed vigour and be ready for the challenges ahead. Young people will need their youth centres more than ever, in their transition from social distancing to being able to meet with their friends again.”

One of the Emergency Grant recipients told us “Many thanks for contacting us and in the circumstances we are very pleased to acknowledge this additional funding. We do hope that once the lockdown has been lifted we can revert back to face to face contact and support, and we can increase activities to rebuild confidence and social contact”

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Devon Community Foundation, the OPCC and Devon County Council for supporting the sector and helping to keep youth work alive in these difficult times.

Councillor Roger Croad, Devon County Council's Cabinet Member with responsibility for youth services, said: "Youth services and support for vulnerable young people in particular is continuing, albeit in more remote ways.  It's important that it continues. At the same time, a lot of the open support which is available to all young people - and especially the opportunities for young people to meet up in youth clubs - has had to be temporarily curtailed for the time being. Those clubs still have bills to pay without having the income.  We, and the OPCC, are pleased to give our support to help see those independently-run clubs over this difficult time."

The Youth Work in Devon Partnership is led by Space and VOYC on behalf of over 70 youth centres across Devon. For more information regarding the services they offer, or to book onto any training please email: or 

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