‘Get On Board’ With #CatchOfTheDay Campaign
Fish lovers and members of the South West fishing industry are being urged to get on board with a forthcoming campaign designed to champion the diversity and sustainability of many species landed by the UK fishing fleet in a week-long Twitter campaign set to take place in March.
The initiative, dubbed #CatchOfTheDay, is being launched by the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO), the body which represents fishermen’s groups, individual fishermen and producer organisations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Running from Monday 16 March until Friday 20 March 2015, the campaign will encourage people to share photos and videos which either represent their involvement in the industry or celebrate the fantastic variety of sustainable fish now available to UK consumers.
Throughout the week members of the UK fishing industry including those in the South West – including fishermen, retailers and processors – as well as chefs, restaurateurs and members of the public will be encouraged to share their love of sustainable fish through photos or videos using the hashtag #CatchofTheDay.
For chefs and restaurants it could be an opportunity to showcase their best fish dish, or for fishermen and producer organisations the chance to show an example of a ‘great British catch’. The Federation is urging people to tweet now with the hashtag #CatchofTheDay in preparation of the week and spread word of the event.
Paul Trebilcock, Former Chairman of the NFFO said: “Fishing is an important and sustainble food producing industry which generates both jobs and revenue in the South West. It is incredibly diverse with over 50 species landed by vessels of all sizes across the region. As a coastal community it’s important that we celebrate the hard work of our local heroes of the seas by getting involved with #CatchOfTheDay.”
Tony Delahunty, Chairman of the NFFO said: “The idea behind #CatchOfTheDay is to give individuals the opportunity to recognise the fishing industry and its contribution to UK life through one simple tweet. We hope it will be a fun way of getting across a serious message not only about the importance of the industry in providing a healthy, sustainable food source to a growing population, but also its inherent commitment to ensuring its future through sustainable methods.”
Over half (52%) of people in the UK now eat seafood at least once a week and in 2013, 624,000 tonnes of fish were landed in the UK, generating a £718m economic contribution from the industry.
This initiative is being launched as part of the NFFO’s ongoing efforts to raise awareness of the growing variety of sustainable species in UK waters and the important strides which have been made by the industry, particularly in the last 10 years, to improve gear and catch methods to in turn boost stock levels. According to the latest ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea), there has been a 50% reduction in fishing pressure across all commercial stocks in the North Atlantic since 2000.
To get involved in #CatchofTheDay, tweet your photos with the hashtag during the week 16-20 March. Visit the NFFO website for further information: http://nffo.org.uk/