5 tips for the perfect proposal

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Thursday, February 27, 2020 - 10:06pm

There is no set answer for what the perfect proposal is. It will be different for every person and every couple. To make yours the perfect one for you, let the following tips remind you of what’s important and what you need to remember. 

  1. Public or Private? Consider Carefully

It’s natural to leap to a big, grand gesture when planning a proposal. It can often feel like the more people who witness it, the more special it can be. However, you need to really think about the type of person your partner is and what they would like. If they simply hate attention, don’t like crowds, and have always preferred spending more intimate time with you away from everyone, then a public proposal may not be the best idea. 

This may also include family and friends as, although they are loved ones, your partner may prefer having this special moment simply between the two of you, which they can then share with the people who matter later. 

  1. Find the Perfect Ring

This can be a source of worry for a lot of individuals proposing, particularly men who may not be familiar with rings or jewellery. However, there will always be professionals around to guide you, and you can find plenty of advice and options online; sites like Fjewellery.co.uk have fantastic deals on engagement rings so you can find the perfect one for your significant other. 

You should also check your partner’s current ring selection (if they have one) to understand the type of style they like, what size they are, and also how you can make your chosen ring stand out from anything they already own. 

If you would rather choose an engagement ring together with your partner, you can use a temporary ring to propose with and then go ring shopping together. 

  1. Be Yourself 

When you think of a proposal, you may think that you need to be as romantic, sentimental, or as soppy as possible, but it’s simply not the case. You don’t want your proposal to feel like you are reciting romantic words written by somebody else. The main thing to remember is to be yourself, as that is the person your partner will recognise in what you choose to say and how you choose to propose. If your relationship has always been more comic than overly soppy, you can still be playful and funny in your proposal as well as romantic. Stick to who you are and how your relationship usually acts. 

  1. Stay Cool 

Deciding to ask someone to marry you can be a nerve-wracking time. Your partner knows you well, so they are going to be able to pick up on signs and signals that you are distracted, spending time away from them (to plan the proposal) and acting differently. While this is understandable, it’s important to remember that they won’t know what’s happening. So try to act calm and like yourself as much as possible so that they don’t begin worrying that you’re being distant and that something is wrong!

  1. Enjoy It 

The proposal is as much for you as it is for them. It’s a happy and exciting time, so don’t let this be forgotten amidst all the stress and worry of planning. Make it fun, romantic, and most importantly, enjoy it!

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