50+ Show success leads to new West Country edition
The rapidly-growing 50+ Show, which is already held each year in London, Manchester and Glasgow and will be held for the first time in Birmingham this 2013, is about to take place for the first time in Exeter in 2014. The 50+ Show is the largest exhibition in the UK specifically for the active over 50s.
The popularity of the 50+ Show around the country led to calls for it to take place in the West Country, and the organisers have now announced that the 50+ Show will launch at the popular Westpoint arena outside Exeter, on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 September 2014.
Show director Dr Robert McCaffrey said, "We have received plenty of letters and postcards over the years from people in the south-west, asking for a show in the area. You can see their point of view if they live in Truro, Plymouth, Barnstable, Bideford, Bridgewater, Yeovil, Okehampton, Dorchester, Weymouth, Torquay, Exeter, Bristol, Bath, Bournemouth, or any one of the other popular towns and cities in the region where getting into London or travelling to Manchester might not be easy."
He continued, "The 50+ Show at Westpoint will be free to register and enter - the same as at all the 50+ Shows - and will offer the same features as at the other big shows - fashion shows, activity classes, all-day have-a-go dancing, a climbing wall, financial and travel seminar theatres and lots of interesting exhibitors. After trying it out in the London 50+ Show, we might even bring along a bouncy castle for the over 50s. Now that'll be fun!"
The 50+ Show, sponsored by Prudential, takes place at Westpoint Arena on Friday 19 and Saturday 20 September 2014, from 9.30am - 4.30pm each day.
Admission if free for visitors as long as they register online via www.50plusShow.com or call the free ticket hotline on 01372840963.
For more information go to http://www.50plusShow.com, like the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TheFiftyPlusShow?fref=ts and follow @The50PlusShow on Twitter.