Appeal for on-call firefighters in Tiverton
Tiverton Fire Station is looking for prospective on-call firefighters to join the crew.
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service is looking for people in the Tiverton community to be on-call or ‘retained’ firefighters. No previous experience of firefighting is necessary for this role – the ideal prospective firefighter starts with a commitment to the community, a positive attitude and a good level of fitness.
This is an opportunity for men and women who live and/or work within five minutes response time to the fire station to potentially save lives in fire, flood and road traffic emergencies. Being on-call means that you provide a level of cover whilst at work or at home and when you are needed your pager will alert you to attend the station. People who can give cover during the day are particularly needed. Many people have primary occupations whilst on-call - either employed or self-employed, the service has examples of employees in factories, shops, takeaways and restaurants who are on-call firefighters.
You need to be over 18 and have a good level of fitness and strength, but sometimes people overestimate the levels required and this can deter them (particularly women) from applying. The Service will give people advice and help in preparing for both the written and practical assessments. Equally living with a disability is not automatically a barrier to operational firefighting; it depends on the nature of the disability. Once you are recruited full training is provided.
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service is an inclusive employer and are working towards a workforce which reflects the local community, so if you are interested please call into Tiverton Fire Station, Wellbrook Street, Tiverton, EX16 5BP, on Tuesday evenings from 7pm or call 01392 872294.