Appeal following sexual assault on bus
Police in South Devon are appealing for information following a sexual assault on a bus.
The incident occurred between 8.30pm and 8.45pm on Thursday 23rd April whilst the victim, a 17 year old female travelled on a No.12 Stagecoach bus, between Paignton and Newton Abbot.
When the bus stopped at the Arcades near to Fleet Walk, Torquay, an unidentified man was talking to the driver. As the bus continued its journey between Torquay and Newton Abbot, the victim sat upstairs at the very front of the bus when she was joined by this man.
He engaged her in conversation, was drinking alcohol, and offered some to her which she declined.
He informed her that his name was Andrew and that he was from Torquay.
He became over friendly towards her and began physically touching her before sexually assaulting her.
The victim informed the driver and managed to flee the bus, before the bus left for the return trip to Torquay, with the offender still on board.
The offender is described as being, white, aged 34-37 years, slightly taller than the victim, (5’1”) and having a pale complexion.
He is described as being extremely fat, with a round face and short, really dark brown or black hair that was spiked at the front with long sticky out ears.
He was wearing a blue hooded top, and black trousers, and carrying a carrier bag containing a large bottle of beer.
He smelled strongly of alcohol.
If anyone recognises this man or has any information regarding this incident then please contact police on 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk quoting police reference CR/028506/15 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or report online at www.Crimestoppers-uk.org