BBC TV cameras in Sidmouth today for Big Decision Day at Knowle

Authored by knowlemole
Posted Thursday, February 28, 2013 - 10:44pm

BBC TV will be reporting live from Knowle today, Friday 1 March, as people arrive for the controversial Development Management Committee Meeting, which starts at 2pm.

A large public presence is expected, so an extra room adjoining the Council Chamber will be made available. Doors open at 1.30pm.

The DMC has been recommended to approve the Outline Planning Application for Knowle, ‘as part of its aspirations to relocate‘, although many believe the OPA Documents are unsound.

Approval of the Outline Plans submitted by EDDC to itself, could have a domino effect (see 'Knowle Domino Theory' posted 20 Feb at

The BBC cameras and reporter will be at Knowle from 1pm. Please spread the word to interested family, friends and neighbours.

We know some shop owners will be closing their shops in order to attend. And don’t forget your banners and t-shirts…!

More details at, 'Knowle Watch' archive

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