The best money saving hacks for shopping online

Claire Small
Authored by Claire Small
Posted Tuesday, September 3, 2019 - 11:20am

Listen up, savvy Exeter shoppers! We all want to get the best for our money when we’re shopping online. However, with so many bargains, incentives and discount codes to be found, how do we know we’re actually getting a good deal? These hints and tips should help you to navigate the minefield, and make the most of your money – whatever you’re buying.

Write a shopping list

How many times have you bought an item, purely because it’s caught your attention as you browse? Impulse buying is one of the biggest causes of overspending. It can be difficult to resist making a purchase if we’ve been surprised by a bargain or two. However, is it a bargain if you hadn’t intended on spending the money in the first place? To avoid overspending learn how to be strict, and make a budget and wish list prior to logging on. Avoid the websites you don’t need to visit, and always ask yourself whether it’s a purchase you need to make. Deviate from that list at your purse’s peril...

Collect coupons...

Coupons are a prevalent part of consumer lifestyle. In fact, there’s a good chance you’ve spent time clipping your own coupons from magazines and newspapers, or product packaging before hitting the shops. These instant money savers are now a huge part of the online shopping experience, and they give consumers all manner of discounts on luxury products and everyday items without any clipping required. Found via social media, brand websites and dedicated platforms, these coupons will certainly come in handy whenever you need to save money.

... or join a couponing website is a dedicated couponing website, providing daily deals, discounts and alerts on a range of products, services and experiences. Its members’ dashboard is completely customisable, which means you can choose the items that are most relevant to your lifestyle and spending habits. Rather than having to gather coupons presents regular, personalised deals, with up to 50% off luxury and everyday brands. Its smart service also sends ‘live’ alerts, so that shoppers know when an item on their shopping list is on sale on the high street. Fast, accurate and convenient the website aids on and offline shopping, so you’ll never pay too much again. This is smart shopping at its finest.

Prepare to shop around

Just as you might trawl the retailers of Princesshay or the Guildhall Shopping Centre in search of deals we’d always advise online shoppers to look around before parting with their cash. Could you find a particular item any cheaper elsewhere? employs a powerful algorithm to source its discount data, and will always display the best deals to be found anywhere on, and offline. Rather than visiting countless sites you’ll know exactly where to head in search of bargains, and what discounts are available on your favourite items. The website is the savvy saver’s dream.

Remain loyal to your favourite brands

We may have recommended shopping around, but it’s also possible to collect discounts by remaining loyal to your favourite brands. Whenever the opportunity arises sign up for newsletters or email updates, and always register for an account. Most online retailers provide discounts to members, as well as additional coupons and incentives to stay in touch. is no different. Membership costs just £9.99 a month via direct debit, and entitles members to comprehensive alerts, further deals and discounts that are tailored to individuals and not accessible by regular customers. A BuyVia direct debit is well worth a subscription for savvy consumers.

Shop savvy

Perhaps the best way to save money is to get to grips with all of the tips and tricks associated with online shopping. For example, did you know that abandoning your shopping basket before completing your purchase could win you further savings? Many retailers are keen to tempt hesitant consumers, and have been known to email savings to registered customers rather than losing their business altogether. You could also find that buying out of season works in your favour. Well, all of those goods have got to go eventually. Get to know your favourite brands, and the particular times of year, or days of the week that they host sales. Do they offer price adjustments? It does pay to know these things.

Follow the advice of other shoppers

Listen out for the reviews and advice of other shoppers. Where are they spending their money, and what are they saving? Prior to doing your shopping be sure to join the thousands of consumers on any number of savings websites. You could also visit a forum dedicated to online savings, or sign up to the numerous social media pages dedicated to coupons, discounts and discount hacks. encourages its members to leave reviews, and to tell others of the discounts they’re making. Have you had a fantastic experience? Tell others, and pass on those savings.

Check the small print

Are there are shipping discounts available when you spend over a certain amount? Do you make any savings when buying items in bulk? It’s always worth checking a website’s terms and conditions, whether you’d intended buying more of a particular item or not. You may also be able to buy online and collect from the high street, making further savings on shipping and your overall purchase. When in doubt, ask. It might feel cheeky to ask for a discount, but you never know unless you do. Some retailers are only too happy to oblige if it means gaining and keeping your custom.

There are numerous ways that you can save money online. From learning to spot sales and employing a few tricks of the trade, to shopping around for discount codes, you need never pay over the odds for your favourite online items again. The savings don’t finish there, either. Couponing website can help savvy shoppers to make the most of the high street, too, sending alerts whenever purchases can be made more cheaply at Exeter’s shopping centres. Whether shopping on or offline, the modern consumer has never had it so good.

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