Beware of council tax refund scam
East Devon District Council has been alerted by concerned residents to a council tax refund scam, currently being operated in the district.
Residents need to be aware that if anyone contacts them by telephone, claiming to be from East Devon District Council and asks them for bank details due to their account being in credit, they must NOT give them this information. These are hoax calls made by fraudsters.
If residents have any concerns over the legitimacy of a call regarding Council Tax then please contact the council's customer service team on: 01395 517446 to confirm.
An elderly resident was contacted by a person claiming to be from East Devon District Council, saying that they had a credit for them due to a downward change in the council tax band on their property. The resident was asked for his bank details in order that money could be (supposedly) transferred to his account.
Fortunately he didn’t give them his bank details and a relative alerted EDDC to the scam.
“We would like to stress that these telephone calls have no connection whatsoever with East Devon District Council and our council tax collection procedures,” said Simon Davey, Strategic Lead Finance at East Devon District Council.
“These people can be very convincing and will try a number of different strategies to obtain your personal details. Under no circumstances should you reveal any personal information such as bank account details.”
To report any instances of suspected fraud the public should contact the Police through ActionFraud telephone number 0300 123 2040, or make an online report through the ActionFraud website http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report-a-fraud/how-to-report-a-fraud .
When reporting fraudulent phone calls to the police, regarding people falsely representing the council and asking for bank details, it would help the police if residents could quote reference number NFRC 150 401 010 683.