Biker Down course proves popular

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 3:16pm

A new initiative called Biker Down, South West held a successful pilot workshop on Saturday 6 June at The Devon Travel Academy at West Point Exeter. The course is a free first aid course created by bikers for bikers designed specifically for treating injured riders.

Biker Down involves a three hour course that is broken down into three modules delivered by Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service Fire, Bike Team:

  1. Scene Assessment & Dynamic Risk Assessment
  2. Basic First Aid – covering catastrophic bleeding, CPR and helmet removal
  3. The science behind being safe by being seen

Watch Manager Laura Pratt, Road Safety Officer opened the workshop said:  “Biker Down explains what to do when riding with mates and someone is unlucky to come off, or you come across another biker that has come off their motorbike.

“We had 18 motorcyclists attending the workshop and currently have a further 32 on the waiting lists. So I’m busy looking at dates for future courses.

“We had very positive feedback from all 18 attendees as they confirmed they would recommend the workshop to another motorcyclist. Other feedback included - “Found this really good and informative, very well presented by the team thank you’ and “Great and interesting learnt a lot many thanks.”

For more information of future courses email or call 01392 444773. Visit

For more information on safety on the roads visit our webpages.

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