Calls for rethink on Exeter transport plans
A group campaigning for better travel solutions in the south west areas of Exeter is calling on local councils to review their current plans for transport provision across Alphington, Marsh Barton, Cowick and the 3,000 homes due to be built on the Alphington/Exminster edges of the city.
CWEST – Campaign for South West Exeter Smarter Travel - believes that there should be better provision for cycling and walking and that the proposed Alphington park and ride scheme is an expensive white elephant.
CWEST, formed a year ago, has been gathering information about what current plans are and developing ideas about alternative approaches.
The group has written an open letter to Devon, Teignbridge and Exeter councils, all of whom have influence over policy and funding for SW Exeter.
CWEST is asking for an in-depth review of current proposals, that will include talking to local groups and key stakeholders.
“The current plans simply don’t provide for safe, attractive walking and cycling routes into and out of SW Exeter, despite policy goals that underline the need to get people out of their cars” said Lynn Wetenhall, a spokesperson for CWEST.
“Yet £6 million is being sought for a park and ride scheme that has no clear goals and seems destined to become a free out of town car park for people working in Marsh Barton”.
A park and ride scheme for Alphington/Ide borders has been on the cards for many years. There have been two planning applications to date, by Devon CC.
Both failed, due to concerns about the local environmental impact and because the stated goals of improved air quality and reduced congestion were deemed to be not proven by the applicant.
Devon County Council is hoping to submit a third application in “summer 2015”. This could be as early as May.