Changes on hold while councillors rethink dog controls
Teignbridge’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee have asked Teignbridge’s Executive to reconsider key parts of a proposed Public Space Protection Order.
Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) are broad powers which allow councils to enforce and manage anti-social activities within a specified area. They are used to help tackle persistent issues that are damaging communities.
A PSPO is being considered as a way to tackle irresponsible dog ownership and provide more consistent enforcement powers to deal with incidents of dog fouling.
The draft order takes into account existing byelaws but also provides new controls including:
- Making it an offence for a person in charge of a dog who does not carry a bag or other means of clearing up after their dog at all times.
- Making it an offence if a person in charge of a dog does not keep the dog on a lead whilst on a road or footpaths next to a road or cyclepath.
- Limiting the number of dogs that can be walked by a person (on or off the lead) at one time.
The draft PSPO was considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (O&S) at its meeting yesterday after members ‘called in’ the Executive decision.
A 'call-in' is a way for councillors to ask for a decision that has been made by the Executive, one of its committees or a Portfolio Holder, to be looked at again. Any five members can call-in a decision within five days of it being made.
Following the O&S meeting, the councillors recommended that:
- Executive reconsider their decision to limit the number of dogs that people can walk at any one time.
- Executive reconsider their decision to bring forward the seasonal dog exclusion areas on beaches by a month.
O&S agreed to set up a review group that will monitor the progress of any PSPO when it is introduced.
Cllr Mike Haines, Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, said: “I’m grateful to the members of the public who gave up their time to come along to the meeting and listen to the debate. Overview and Scrutiny Committee have now made a set of recommendations to Executive and O&S have committed to setting up its own review group to monitor any impact on dog walkers once it is introduced.”
While there are existing laws covering dog fouling and irresponsible dog ownership, it is patchy and in some places Teignbridge is unable to enforce. This makes it a challenge to deal with in areas where people have reported a problem.
There are current byelaws for some council-owned parks, green spaces and beaches. Offences must be prosecuted through the courts which, while rarely used, is costly and time consuming. They cannot be enforced using penalty notices.
The benefit of a PSPO to residents of Teignbridge is that officers will be able to issue fixed penalty notices to those caught ignoring the rules on dog fouling and controls. This is a quick resolution however persistent offenders can still be prosecuted. The PSPO sets clear standards across the district rather than the inconsistent approach currently in place.
The Executive will consider Overview and Scrutiny’s recommendations at its meeting on 4 December 2018 and will decide whether or not to change the original decision.
The Ness Beach, Shaldon, and Holcombe Beach, Dawlish, are not covered by existing seasonal dog exclusion areas and will remain places where people can walk dogs at any time of the year.
Teignbridge made a commitment to review its policy on dog fouling and restricted access across the district’s open spaces and beaches through its Council Strategy.
The strategy, adopted by elected members in 2015, is a 10-year plan of action aimed at making Teignbridge and healthy and more desirable place where people want to live, work and visit.
Until a decision is made by Executive on the PSPO, nothing changes. You can view current byelaws and seasonal dog exclusion areas at www.teignbridge.gov.uk/dogbyelaws
The Overview and Scrutiny agenda and report, along with the Executive report of October 30, is online here: www.teignbridge.gov.uk/media/7584/os-2018-nov-19-agenda-public.pdf