Charity Christmas Tree Festival to light up Princesshay
Princesshay’s Roman Walk will once again become home to thirty-five Christmas trees as part of the Charity Christmas Tree Festival. The Christmas Tree Festival will be officially opened by the Lord Mayor on Thursday 22nd November at 6.15pm and will feature its own light switch on as part of the celebrations.
The illuminating festival features thirty-five trees decorated by various local charities including FORCE, Princesshay’s charity of the year. The trees and lights that Princesshay have purchased for the charities will be placed down Roman Walk for visitors to enjoy until Christmas Eve.
Oliver Watts, from FORCE Cancer Charity, said: “The Christmas Tree Festival is a wonderful event and we are really excited for the public to see all of the wonderful trees that have been decorated by the charities. We hope visitors will enjoy this magical festival in Roman Walk throughout Christmas.”
The Christmas Tree Festival is just one of the many seasonal celebrations taking place in Princesshay this year. Stay connected with Princesshay on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more updates over the coming weeks, and follow #CaptureTheMagic across all social channels to see the festivities unravel.
For further details about Christmas in Princesshay visit www.princesshay.co.uk/christmas