Children’s play scheme celebrates ‘Good’ Ofsted rating
Teignbridge District Council’ childcare play scheme Teignstars is celebrating a ‘Good’ Ofsted rating.
Newton Abbot Leisure Centre has been working hard to achieve good grades with the help of the childcare team led by Childcare Officers Karen Bush and Lindsey Thorne.
Teignstars achieved a ‘good’ rating across the board for effectiveness of the leadership and management, quality of teaching, learning and assessment, personal development, and behaviour and welfare.
The Ofsted report commented that ‘children are happy and settle quickly. They benefit from enjoyable activities and experiences to complement their learning in school.’ ‘Children behave very well and respond positively to staff’s consistent messages and good example.’
Key findings are:
•Children are happy and settle quickly. They benefit from enjoyable activities and experiences to complement their learning in school. They develop good independence, such as changing their clothes for swimming and taking responsibility for their belongings.
•Children behave very well and respond positively to staff's consistent messages and good example. For instance, children show care and concern for others, use good manners and help willingly.
•Staff encourage children to develop healthy lifestyles. Children join in the physical activities with enthusiasm, and learn about healthy eating, such as through enjoyable games and discussions.
•The management team and staff evaluate the quality of the provision successfully to maintain good standards of care and to make improvements. This includes providing more creative activities for children who do not wish to join in the planned events.
The Holiday Club is open every school holiday for children aged 3 to 13 years, with fun and educational activities at an affordable rate for their parents. Everyday children participate in a wide range of activities, which include swimming, bouncy castle, sports, arts and crafts and lots more. The activities are child led and confirmed with the children on the morning of the session, ensuring everyone has an enjoyable, active day.
You don’t have to be a member of the leisure centre to take part in any of the summer activities available, everyone is welcome to come along and have fun in a safe, supervised atmosphere. Find out more at http://teignbridgeleisure.co.uk/juniors There are plenty of positives to be taken from the report and Teignbridge is now taking steps to action the improvements recommended and aim for an outstanding result from Ofsted.
Cllr Phil Bullivant, Teignbridge District Council’s Executive Portfolio Holder for Recreation and Leisure, said:
“Providing a safe and stimulating environment for our children is one of our key objectives.
“Receiving recognition from Ofsted that the services we provide are rated as ‘Good’ demonstrates that we are reaching our goals. We are committed to going further and enhancing our services so that we are recognised as ‘Outstanding’ and this is one of our key objectives for the coming months.
“Our staff work hard to meet parent’s expectations and help provide the support that they need. This enables the children to enjoy a stimulating environment and the parents to have the freedom to take part in active leisure activities within our centres.”