Community celebrates after joining forces to transform woodland walk

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Thursday, May 30, 2019 - 9:05am

The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Yolonda Henson, officially cut the ribbon on the entrance to the new Panny Woodland Walk, surrounded by schoolchildren and parents from Wynstream School on the Burntside Lane Estate at Wonford, Exeter.

Using proceeds from Wilko’s single-use carrier bag charge, Keep Britain Tidy and local community group Ludwell Life devised plans to transform an under-used woodland path next to the Panny brook, which acts as a gateway into the adjacent Ludwell Valley Park. They were supported by volunteers from the local Wilko store and children from Wystream School, who helped litter pick the area and plant and range of bulbs and wildflowers.

A new archway, information panels, habitat areas, gates, fencing and seating have all been installed to make the whole area feel more welcoming.

It is hoped that the new-look woodland walk will encourage more residents and families from the Burnthouse Lane Estate in Wonford to explore the area and experience the beautiful scenery and wildlife on their doorstep.

Paul Featherstone, Store Manager of Wilko in Exeter, said: “At Wilko we exist to free up hard working families to be the best they can be, and helping the communities we are a part of is vital to this. We were delighted to have been involved in the transformation of the Panny path and the surrounding area, which we know will become a much-loved space within the community now the work is complete”.

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