Connecting with nature during isolation
As part of their Culture + Climate programme 2020, THG has teamed up with East Devon AONB to share NATURE SHORTS: an online series showcasing art practices which inspire, build creativity and deepen our connection with nature.
NATURE SHORTS explores how we can connect with nature during isolation, sharing different artistic approaches to land and space. The highlighted artists work across a range of materials and processes including land art, photography, printmaking and performance.
THG Curator, Ruth Gooding, explained “As we move our public programme into the digital realm, we are hoping to support our THG community and reach out to new online audiences.”
The artists include: Emma Molony, Gordon Field, Gabrielle Hoad and Megan Calver, George Barron, Paul Blakemore, Jo Lathwood, Mike Perry and Fourthland.
The first art practice in the spotlight is ‘printing with paint’ with artist designer Emma Molony. Emma uses paints from LOLA’s art kit*, inspired by THG’s latest Richard Long exhibition, to help us connect with nature in creative ways.
“As a printmaker, I was interested to see how paints worked instead of inks to make some simple prints at home. The LOLA art kit paints are great and the fast-drying pigments meant you could make gorgeous layered prints using found materials from our walks."
NATURE SHORTS will be accessible online and via THG’s Facebook, Twitterand Instagram platforms, starting on Wednesday 15 April with the family-friendly NATURE SHORT created by Emma Molony.
NATURE SHORT 1 - April 15: ‘Printing with Paint’ with artist designer Emma Molony
NATURE SHORT 2 - April 22: ‘Experiments with nature outdoors and at home, finding new narratives and new readings’ with artists Megan Calver & Gabrielle Hoad
NATURE SHORT 3 - April 29: ‘Tree exercises to help find well-being andcope with future changes’ with artist and tree dowser Gordon Field
NATURE SHORT 4 - May 6: Artist Jo Lathwood and Photographer Paul Blakemore
NATURE SHORT 5 - May 13: Photographer Paul Blakemore
NATURE SHORT 6 - May 20: Artist Jo Lathwood
NATURE SHORT 7 - May 27: Fourthland (artists Isik and Eva)
NATURE SHORT 8 - June 3: Photographer Mike Perry
NATURE SHORT 9 - June 10: Printmaker George Barron